For those with Kemper Profilers (all 3 of us):
Yesterday, Kemper released their 4th Legends Tribute Collection pack (for FREE) that recreates tones from tons of legendary songs and artists. In this fourth installment, they recreated the tone from "Almost Easy". All the tones were created by tone chaser Thomas Dill who used factory profiles created by Bert Meulendijk, Michael Britt, Lars Lüttge, and The Amp Factory to make these tones.
The tone is named "TD - Syn Gat - 2023-03-13 10-49-36.krig" in the pack.
Download the pack here.

Yesterday, Kemper released their 4th Legends Tribute Collection pack (for FREE) that recreates tones from tons of legendary songs and artists. In this fourth installment, they recreated the tone from "Almost Easy". All the tones were created by tone chaser Thomas Dill who used factory profiles created by Bert Meulendijk, Michael Britt, Lars Lüttge, and The Amp Factory to make these tones.
The tone is named "TD - Syn Gat - 2023-03-13 10-49-36.krig" in the pack.
Download the pack here.