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left-handed playing right-handed guitar (and vice versa?)


Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
So, I’m left-handed but I play on a right-handed guitar. The reason for this is very simple, before I started playing guitar, before I ever even held a guitar, when I imagined playing guitar I always imaged playing on a right-handed one. I never even considered playing on a left-handed guitar.
Looking back, I have never regretted this decision. While I’m still quite flawed in many aspects of playing guitar, I’m pretty good at fretting hand techniques, especially bending and vibrato, if I say so myself. And I’m sure I would never be as good at that with my right hand as I am with my left hand. While techniques of the picking hand may be harder to master, especially when it’s not your dominant hand, I think fretting hand techniques are really the ones that add feeling to your music and make you stand out from other guitarists.
What are your thoughts on this?
There’s probably more people out there like me, but what about the reverse, right-handed people playing left-handed guitar?

Filip Tomiša

Campfire Attention Holder
Nov 11, 2019
It’s really good that you did that because you are able to play any guitar no matter where you are (since most if them are right handed). If you played on a left handed guitar you would be able to play only on your guitar. I had a friend who was left handed but played on a right handed guitar right from start and she managed to learn it. Sometimes I even forgot that she was left handed. But there’s nothing wrong with playing on a left handed guitar.

Jen Hapke

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I’m a left-handed playing right-handed guitars, too and i feel comfortable with it. I started it because my brother does the same thing and so I allways had right-handed guitars around.
When I recently bought my electric guitar I tried a left-handed guitar just for fun and it felt totally awkward.
I never had any real problems playing this way. Of cause there are difficulties when you learn something new like reaching from fret 1 to 5 with the left hand or learning faster alternate picking with the right hand but nothing that’s undefeatable or takes to long to learn.
You have to deal with both hands anyway.
So I feel the same way. I don’t regret playing right-handed guitars.