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M.I.A. solo


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Generally speaking learning something fast always has the same methodology: Take baby steps, don’t expect to learn the whole thing in one sitting. Take one bar and figure that part out and then continue to the next and continue doing that for the whole song.
There’s a more general forum topic called ‘how to learn fast solos’ and there are some tips in there as well.
Issues with learning faster solos

This reply was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by  Ids Schiere.


Yosi Yamin

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Syn definitely said that this is probably the hardest Avenged solo lol, I remember him saying in some interview that he didn’t think about the fact that he would have to play it so many years later when he wrote it. On another note, Ids’s advice made wonders for me with the Sheperd of fire solo which I’m practicing as we speak. You should take a look at the forum topic that Ids mentioned in his comment, I’m sure that the great advices there will help you as much as they helped me 🙂
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Christopher Lonski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
If you want a tab, I have it figured out pretty perfectly. Here’s the powertab version of it-
I didn’t tab the whole thing, I just changed the solo. This should be pretty spot on minus that little Kirk Hammet “snake lick” at the end of the first one.
My advice is to practice really slow and accurate to make every little bit perfect. Then after you have it really good and memorized, just go for it! You cant always overthink it and you just have to look past the mistakes you make sometimes and do your best to make it all the way through.

Daniel Verde

Local Dive Bar Favorite
Nov 11, 2019
My advice is to cross reference different sources. When I learnt it, I literally looked at sheet music, tablature, videos of Syn playing it, as well as fans making cover/tutorial videos. It was really hard determining what is really happening on the album. I felt like even the sheet music was not 100% true to the album.
Anyway here is my cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJOcfP7FAZ4 I’d say it’s close to 100% But I do believe there are a few notes missing(I won’t say where :p ).
There is probably other videos that have better audio/video quality. But feel free to reference any time in the video and ask a question if you want. I’ll do my best to help you if you want to go in to detail.


Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    @Daneil Verde I’d say yours did not even close to 75% but you did well ! And I agree about your advice!
    Here is mine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPk67271B0o , there are so many economy picking, sweep picking and ultra fast alternate picking, if you mastered the D aeolian, pentatonic minor, and D harmonic minor, this solo would be easier to do.

    Jakub Holos

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    I've just made a cover of it I believe it's the way he plays it on the album I slowed it down and watched the backstage video to get the fingerings right. It was a really hard one I spent 9 months on it. Use your ring finger instead of pinky for the fast sweep picking sections and try to keep your fingers as close as possible to the strings. Focus on the picking hand I had to change the motion of my picking hand for that 2 note per string section it's more of a rotational kind of movement and make sure you don't move the pick too much try to keep it in the same position also use downward pickslanting to avoid it getting stuck. I would also recommend doing slow speed bursts and build the speed that way
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    New Student
    Apr 19, 2020