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Moving forward

Julian Barton

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I have reached a point where I want to create (and I have) but I am curious how you tell when you are ready to perform and record things so you can start being a professional. This is a weird question because I don’t have a way to gauge this. I can play almost anything if I sit down with it and I have a lot of confidence because I play for friends. My friends have been urging me to record my original songs but I am not sure I am ready.

Jak Angelescu

I’d like to quote the infamous Zacky V and say “Do it.” Literally. You are never going to be 100% ready to go on stage and perform because you’ll always have nerves and wonder if each little detail is absolutely perfect. But the more you get yourself out there the better you’ll become and become more “professional”. Not one professional goes and does their first show like a “professional”, they had to start somewhere just like the rest of us. And have a great time looking up videos of Syn trying to record solos in the studio. They actually have a compilation of how many times he says “fuck!” and gets mad because he keeps messing up So don’t worry about whether or not you’re ready because the biggest thing I’ve learned in life with EVERYTHING is “No matter how prepared you think you are, you are never prepared enough.” So you may as well jump right in, shame-free and guilt-free and start working up your reputation The more you record in the studio the better you’ll get. Just practice to a metronome with headphones on so you don’t get a delayed beat, and just keep playing in front of friends or go to open mics to work out the kinks and any remaining nerves you may have
Hope this helps/


If I may add to Jak’s comment. Critical comments are very helpful, and it helps us develop our skills. I strongly believe no one on here is here to to be mean, because we are here for the very same reason you are here, to become better musicians, and learn from musicians of all abilities across the world. This community is amazing for it, its to encourage confidence and make us better. There are some beginners on here that remind me the importance of taking things slower, there are some people on here that remind me to be more consistent with my practice. I think the best thing you can do is post your videos, and we will all do our best to give you the most effective and constructive critisism we can give.
Go on, upload, I dare you!

Dustin Stevens

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I think it is a great idea to record yourself if not for other people, it’s a good thing to do for yourself. It gives you the opertunity to go back and analize your work and find your problem areas that you may not notice while your engaged in that act of playing. Helps work out the bugs basically. Thats what i do anyway.