I just figured out a practice regime for me during the Christmas break and I figured it may be inspirational for some of you too. I have my whole Christmas break (2weeks) planned as dedicated gypsy jazz practice (guitar playing wise that is). Basically what I'm gonna do is go through 3 of my gypsy jazz books(or try to anyway). I have like 7 different ones but in this case I'm gonna go through a book of arpeggios, a book with licks and Robin Nolan's songbook volume 1. For all of them I want to record myself practicing it with a metronome at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day film myself again using the Arpeggios and licks in an improvisation or play the song.
I think this is a good way to show/see progress and how I go about practicing. What do you guys think?
I think this is a good way to show/see progress and how I go about practicing. What do you guys think?