Hey there guys and dolls! I plan on getting the project finished tomorrow. Haven’t been feeling well lately and got busy like you know. But I moved on to lesson 25 and I figured I’d look up some lick lessons for these positions. I went to this lesson, and the guy showcases that he’s playing it out of the exact same pattern for a D Major pentatonic that Papa shows us in lesson 24. It’s the SAME pattern but played starting on the A instead of an F#. And when this guy does this, the C# becomes a C, and the F# becomes an F. Now I know he says a D7 lick, which I figured would add more of that bluesy vibe. But my question is, is this technically still a D major pentatonic scale? And is there any correlation to how these are the same patterns played in different spots but still in the same key? I took a shot and played the pattern this guy demonstrates over the backing track in lesson 25, and it works, it just sounds a little dark. What are your thoughts? Video is below. Thanks everyone!