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Needing Opinions on Next Rockstar Student Award


Jak Angelescu

Hey everyone! I'm anxiously awaiting June 14th to be able to announce the winners. But man, originally I wanted to do this every 6 months but that seems like an awful long time to wait. And since we blasted our funds goal in like 2 months, and there are SO many students I want to give this award to, do you think we would be able to do this every 4 months? Every 3 months? The funds to be raised for this kind of endeavor is $800 total. Do you think we could get $800 in three months every time? $800 in four months? I would love some feedback on this. There are more than just two students each year worthy of such a prize. Let me know your thoughts!
Reactions: Matt Wildcat

Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Great idea but I have to agree with Ids. Everybody was hyped for this now and some donated a lot. But I don't know how this will play out when the Rockstar Awards continue? How many donors did we have this time? I'm guessing not more than 20-30. I would not count on more than 10 bucks per person, which leaves a lot to be donated to reach the goal.

    BUT why don't we just try it out, have reminders every few weeks and if it seems like we can't manage it in time we go from three to four or six months. Nobody forces us to keep in deadlines here so we can be flexible with it!

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    I wouldn't expect the lessons to always be a part of it as I'm sure people are busy and won't always be available. But it could instead be looked at as bonus prizes on top the award that we started with. Which In itself is pretty huge. I think this award is exactly what syn was talking about when he said people would getbrewsrded for their work. And the best part is the community itself is supplying the money for it. No one really is buying anything for anyone so you can't look at it as picking favourites or anything like that.
    Reactions: AGA

    Jak Angelescu

    Believe it or not with myself included we only had about 8 people donating. That's why I was curious if we would be able to actually do it in 4 months. Not a lot of people donated to this. I'm the one who pays for the lessons with Bill so that $200 would be covered. Originally I didn't expect to have a second place winner which added another $100. So originally it always was to be about $500 that would have to be raised in 4 months which I thought would be feasible. But everybody here made an incredible point. Perhaps I will just leave it at 6 months because I don't want to come off like I'm harping on people for money. I don't want it to be like that at all! I have had some students messaging me asking me if I can make it more than twice a year because they really wanted to be a part of it and raise their chances of getting it. And some of these students are definitely impressive but unfortunately We can't give out that many awards

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    It's not like you make people donate. I think being clear on the Situation would be enough. Tell people about the Options. "Either we find people to donate or there will be a smaller price / or we will extend this one month"


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Sound good to me. 6 months is a reasonable time to collect money and having to extent every time is also not preferable. You can can only do so much
    Reactions: AGA