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Papa Gates Shows His Skills And My Absence


Jak Angelescu

Hey there everyone.
I finally went through my messages on here. I found out I had to be logged in to do the lessons but I wasn’t checking my notifications.
To make it quick because some people don’t know-
My singer struck a huge problem in her life and came to me with things I had no idea she was struggling with. It was the worst feeling ever to know someone you spend 99% of your day with was suffering BADLY and you had no idea. So I announced on Instagram my absence but some people here don’t follow me so they didn’t know.
I’m still taking time off. My life has shifted greatly lately and I need to refocus my attention elsewhere. Luckily many of you already knew and jumped on the bandwagon to pick up where I won’t be able to for a long time.
Rowan, Hector, Ailee… you all three have been incredible. I got the email notification and read Ailee’s passionate attempt to issue homework assignments and was so moved. I really… really was. And then I got to briefly show support for Rowan and Hector’s live feed and wow. Just… wow.
Holly is not healed yet. And she and my music are 100% of my attention. Our song is still being recorded as we don’t want to just “wing it.”
Got to meet PG last night and watch him play. So I recorded some of it to share with you all 🙂 keep it up.
In love
Synner Endless Summer Collection