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Julian Barton

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I have gotten to the point in my playing where I would like to go play at a bar or open mic or something. I have managed to speak with other musicians and learn how much material I need and all that but I have one problem. I am petrified to get up on the stage alone. What should I do if there is anything I can do? I can play for a few people but being alone on a stage and the main event kind of scares me. Any good way to deal with this anxiety?
Julian Barton

Filip Tomiša

Campfire Attention Holder
Nov 11, 2019
I’ll tell you how I dealt with that issue. I had few experiences of performing live but it was with 5-6 more people and I was still nervous but after a while you get used to it but you still get nervous just not as much. So one day there was a contest in my school where people could sign up and later perform infront of the whole school. When I heard about the contest I thought to myself: Ok now is the time to man up and perform infront of everybody. If I do this I’ll get rid of the stage fright once and for all… And so I signed up and when the day came I was the first person ever to perform at my school and everybody was watching even the school principal lol. And after I finished playing the stage fright was gone cause I was there all alone and I did it. I’m so glad that I decided to do it because playing live now isn’t so scary or stressful and it shouldn’t be, now it’s fun. The thing is when you have a chance to perform live all by yourself just say: “fuck it, i’ll do it!” and after you do it you are free 🙂

Daniel Sobota

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
Dubrovnik, Croatia
In my town, there is this thing called a “jam session” at the local youth club, where musicians from the whole town go and jam together. My first experience of standing up on the stage was last May, when me and my friends totally butchered “So Far Away”. And I wasn’t even playing guitar, I was singing! It was horrible, but I just kept my straight face and went with it. So as time went on, I was more confident, even with me being a lackluster musician. I picked up a bass once, and again, I just rolled with it and played along other guys on stage.
First few times are always the toughest, but you just have to go through it. If you feel bad, just remember that there’s that video on YouTube of Lil Wayne playing guitar in front of thousands of people, ha.

Karim Pardayev

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
I played 2 times in front of my lyceum ). First time I played classical composition and it was good I think. But I was so nervous that i missed one part of the composition .but who cares)? And one thing, when I am nervous I blush all the time and people see it. I was like… how to deal with that? And after some performances ( not necessarily music) i got preety confident. Even if I fell that i am blushing I try to stay confident. Practice and do not worry. Every person that ever performed went through it .
Synner Endless Summer Collection


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
I had the same thing at first. Usually it is not That bad to play on stage. Now i try to cut my nerveus a little bit by recording stuff for this website in one take so i get used to being on stage where it should go allright the first time. BesiDe That try to not be to worries about Fucking up in stage because it is natural.

Nic Cullen

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
The biggest thing: practice. Performing is a state of mind. I’ve had great gigs and horrible gigs with my band. Our setlist rarely changed. The biggest thing that helped me was practicing the day of. We could have had an amazing gig one weekend, then gone the next weekend and had a crappy one. All because we didn’t practice that morning. It was the same songs, but our state of mind was completely different.
The second and third biggest things: When you screw up, make it look like you intended to do that. Don’t make it obvious. That skill will come with practice, however. It may help to perform in front of friends or family at first, and that’ll teach you how to “properly” screw up.
It’s very, very important to interact with your audience. Think about the greatest concerts you’ve been to. Think about what made them so great. I bet it’s the performers stage presence. I don’t care if Jimi Hendrix is shredding on stage, if he’s just standing there emotionless, people won’t be into it. You have to feed off the energy of the crowd and vice versa.
I hope this helped.

Lenore M

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Open Mics are usually a good place to start. They are usually filled with very supportive people who want to try out new songs, or are just getting started. As for being nervous, well that’s normal. My fear goes away when I play that first note. Your fingers know what to do…just let them. (My mom always says that to me before I go on.)

Gene Sullivan

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
You just have to get up and do it. I was absolutely terrified before my first open mic, and there were a few nights before my first performance where I went, and watched, and made up some reason or another why that wasn’t the night. It’s tough. But most open mics I’ve been to are full of people who love to perform, and love to support other people.
Remember this, though: There are going to be nights that suck. I have had shows where I totally sucked. Everybody has. When it happens, don’t let it drive you away. When people at open mics are struggling, the other people there are all thinking the same thing. They are remembering their own bad nights, and they are rooting for you.

Billie M

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
The first time I went on stage (a year ago), I was in the exact same spot. I was shaking and breathing a lot and then got scared I wouldn’t be able to sing etc. Once I got on stage I just said: “Uh I’ve never done this before, so uh..” And before I could say anything, pretty much everyone in the room has started applauding. I’m not saying that’s what’s gonna happened to everyone who jumps on stage for the first time. But just know that there are nice people out there who will recognized your courage to get on a stage to play a song.
Also, have a friend in the crowd that helped me too.
Remember to have fun, if you do they will too 🙂
Synner Endless Summer Collection