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Question for people who completed all lessons on synner...


Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
Oct 16, 2021
Hi, I'm currently on the beginner lessons in synner. I'm not a beginner because I've been playing for almost 2 years and on this site I've seen lessons about technique and there's Syn's etudes as well. For now, I wanna play guitar for fun and to be able to play the songs I like. So I'm feeling like I should skip the theory lessons right now and watch the technique lessons to improve my technique but I will get back to the theory lessons later. My question is for someone who's completed all synner lessons, if i go straight into the technique lessons will Papa gates be talking about theory because I will get confused then as I skipped theory lessons and in the theory lessons are there any important technique tips because then I will make sure to watch that. Thanks :)
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Sold-out Crowd Surfer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    PG does reference a handful of theory in just about every video on the site. Theory is important as it helps you understand what’s going on in the songs you like. Technique is important because it helps you play those techniques better. It’s all important and, for me being a 12 year player watching the beginner videos, you’ll almost always find something there that makes you say “ohhhhhh, I can’t believe I didn’t know that.” It’s all worth it beginning to end.
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    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    PG does reference a handful of theory in just about every video on the site. Theory is important as it helps you understand what’s going on in the songs you like. Technique is important because it helps you play those techniques better. It’s all important and, for me being a 12 year player watching the beginner videos, you’ll almost always find something there that makes you say “ohhhhhh, I can’t believe I didn’t know that.” It’s all worth it beginning to end.
    I second this!
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    Brian Haner Sr.

    Staff member
    Fucking Legend
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hey Dis!
    Skip around and have fun. Learn some cool techniques. If at some point you're curious as to why a certain scale works over a certain chord - the info is here waiting for you. I have found that the better you get technically, the more interested you become in theory. But there are lots of good players who know little about theory. First and foremost - make it sound good! You can figure out what you're playing later. The dog wags the tail.
    To recap: HAVE FUN!!!
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    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Oct 16, 2021
    Hey Dis!
    Skip around and have fun. Learn some cool techniques. If at some point you're curious at to why a certain scale works over a certain chord - the info is here waiting for you. I have found that the better you get technically, the more interested you become in theory. But there are lots of good players who know little about theory. First and foremost - make it sound good! You can figure out what you're playing later. The dog wags the tail.
    To recap: HAVE FUN!!!
    Papa gates replied to me?! This is awesome Thanks PG❤️
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    Muz Malek

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hey Dis!
    Skip around and have fun. Learn some cool techniques. If at some point you're curious at to why a certain scale works over a certain chord - the info is here waiting for you. I have found that the better you get technically, the more interested you become in theory. But there are lots of good players who know little about theory. First and foremost - make it sound good! You can figure out what you're playing later. The dog wags the tail.
    To recap: HAVE FUN!!!
    Totally agree to this :)

    After playing for 10 years without any understanding of how chords & scales coexist despite having the ability to hear & play them, I've always yearned to understand what goes behind & thanks to Synner, my appreciation towards all that I've been playing grew so much more.

    Thank you @Syn Gates & PG!
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    The all knowing Papa has spoken ! Listen to him lol.

    As someone who has been playing around the same time frame as you, don’t get too bogged down in theory. There’s a reason I’m 31 and literally just now starting to get shit. I had tried to learn many times in the past and it never lasted long because I always felt I had to take to it like a freaking AP Calculus course and just study jargon and formulas. Once I just started learning techniques and playing shit via tabs I was HOOKED and it was no longer a “task” or “chore”that I had to do. It was FUN ! And it should be fun !
    In just learning techniques and riffs or solos from others, that sparked the “fun” of learning why certain things work. Granted I still SUCK at it, BUT…. For me personally small tidbits of theory info learned organically has stuck more as opposed to hours pouring over in depth articles on the subject.

    Also, as PG always says, “if it sounds good to you it probably is good” 😃
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