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R.S.S.A Announcement & My Farewell Letter As Your Admin :)


Jak Angelescu

Hello my dear kittens, Mama Cat here

Some of you already know but if you don't, I have stepped down from the admin role on the school. With so much going on in my life, I simply don't have the time to fulfill the role I was lovingly brought into.

I will be finishing up some tasks on here and I've sent Syn a final email regarding EVERYTHING you all have voiced to me over the last few months. So he IS aware of these things (and honestly he was aware of 98% of them before I sent the email, that little devil). We briefly discussed them, and they will be addressed. So please hang tight
Now as far as me stepping down as an admin. It is only temporary. Until my life settles down, I will be simply returning back to being more active on the community here. Posting, learning, leaving feedback, etc. So please refrain from reaching out to me with admin requests on here and on my Instagram

The Rockstar Student Award winners will be announced Saturday, August 1st the moment I wake up. And believe me, those who win are in for an extra special surprise
Since I have been partially absent from here, another well-known member has taken the responsibility upon themselves to help me choose the winners. So keep working hard! You all have one more week left!

I would like to say that I do love what I have been seeing here. But I have to be transparent with everyone..
I've learned so much from Bill, and so when I leave feedback, please do not take it personally. I have seen how his criticism has helped me improve so much. So when I give you feedback to improve on, please take it as a compliment that that means I was actually paying attention to your video, watched the whole thing, and care enough to take the time to give you feedback instead of just mindlessly hitting 'like' and typing 'great job' before moving on. I'm trying to pass on the knowledge I've learned. You only know something as well as you can teach it, right?

Anyway, goodnight, my kittens. I love you guys so much! Looking forward to the next step!


John Robinson

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Nashville tn.
If 2020 hasnt sucked enough now this!!