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Scales over the V chord in gypsy jazz?


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
So I’ve been wondering whether there are some scales I can use over the V chord in my gypsy jazz playing. At the moment I know harmonic minor, melodic minor, super locrian, double harmonic major and diminished work(and use them too(even though I use super locrian very sporadic))
Also, me being an idiot I emailed Robin Nolan’s question email to ask the same thing while being a little drunk😅 and he told me he likes to use the augmented scale over the V chord.
Are there any I forgot(I think Lydian dominant only works for the tritone substitution(yes I just read about that in Syn’s tips in one of the lessons😅)

Jak Angelescu

I am so sorry I can’t help you with that Buddy, you are a little bit too advanced for me! 😄But something that I have learned with things is that you can solo over any chord really using the chord position itself. Like for example when I tried to do bebop jazz, I believe you can use the D minor 7 scale over D minor 7 chord. I’m not sure if that makes any sense or if I’m saying anything right but that’s one thing that I have learned. Like when you go to play a G power chord in a rock song you can actually play a G minor pentatonic scale even if it’s not technically in the key and it sounds good. So maybe whatever your V chord is you could construct a scale out of that chord position based on those notes.


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
I know I could technically use mixolydian stuff over a V chord but I kinda feel like that misses a bit of the gypsy flavour. And sorry Jak I’m not entirely sure what the d minor 7 scale is😅 the funny thing about the thing about not technically in the key is that that actually counts for double harmonic major over the V chord(which is usually the dominant 7 chord)