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Some Advice In Life I'd Like to Share


Jak Angelescu

Hey everyone! I know this may not be entirely related to the school, but there’s something I’ve been going through that I wanted to share with my friends here. And I hope you find it inspiring.
For about the last 9 years I’ve had a friend who’s a farmer. Recently about 6 months ago she brought it to my attention she wanted to sell. I was saddened by the news, but when I became a realtor I jumped on the opportunity to help her in anyway I could. Before I had my license, I was researching things for her, asking questions to my professors, doing anything I could. THEN when I joined at my office, I posted things up on the Facebook page asking for help with what was going to be an ENORMOUS deal (as in like a $56,000 commission). I needed help. I really, really did. We weren’t in contract, and I knew she wanted to try to sell it on her own, but she had multiple situations fall through and it cost her and her family BIG. So what did I do? I joined a team I thought I’d fit with to help her out. Someone who specialized in her situations. I gave her my team leader’s number countless of times, exchanged multiple texts with her about him, and fought tooth and nail through her stubbornness for her to call him. He told me, “Why don’t YOU take the listing? It’s your friend and you know her best. I’ll help guide you through this. You’re going to need it. I don’t want it, you take it.” But she didn’t want my services. Which was fine. I didn’t take it personally. I just recently found out that one of her friends from church is ALSO a realtor at my office. She gave my team leader her number, they got in contact after filling out referral paperwork (which I didn’t even know was a thing) and now there is a 50% chance she’ll get 100% of the referral fee which closes in at $8,000. My leader felt awful about it, put a stop to it as he hadn’t realized until after he looked up the property and saw it was the same one I was trying to get them in contacts with each other for 5 months.
Now I waiver on and don’t know if I get anything. But I know my rights as far as ethical practices go. So I’ll be fighting for at least a 50% split. Then at our office team meeting last week, the whole office leader asked a question, I wasn’t sure what he was asking so to my best attempt, I answered. Guess what?
THE WHOLE OFFICE LAUGHED AT ME. But I didn’t care. I didn’t know what he was exactly asking but I answered the best way I could. All I boldly replied with was, “You all are laughing at me but I’m a baby agent and I’m the only one out of 300 seasoned agents who even attempted to answer the question.”
Did I feel embarrassed? Of course I did. But after I was able to make a snapback I realized how quiet the room went followed by random “Well, that’s true” remarks.
So how does all of this relate to you? In my office, I have been made to feel stupid. I ask questions, only to have other agents say things like “Well if you would show up to the office you’d know that.” My comeback is always, “I ain’t out of the office sipping martinis. I’m door knocking 100 homes, hanging fliers, making phone calls and traveling 2 hours to do multiple training sessions I’m not required to do.”
yet again, how does this relate to you all? People LOVE making you feel stupid. It may be unintentional or not. But you don’t know what you don’t know. You HAVE to try. With music, life, or anything. Never stop fighting for what you believe is rightfully yours (aka my commission) and always know your rights as a human being, and that’s to be treated with respect. Don’t let ANYONE tell you you’re stupid. And if they do? Say to them, “I’ll show you what I can do.” And DO IT.
Side note: There people who made fun of me in Los Angeles saying I’d never get anywhere with my music. All I said was, “I’ll show you what I can REALLY do.” And I did it. Please don’t cry, stress, grunt, groan or feel unworthy. Take the challenge on the chin and show those who oppose you what you’re really worth. Feeling victimized never made the hero.
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I hope you guys found it helpful. Much love to everyone, and have a wonderful weekend!


Local Dive Bar Favorite
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Brisbane, Australia
    Yup, you are right.
    Two things I’ve also learnt along the way are:

    You can always learn something from someone else, you might just have to look harder, or it could simply be what not to do.
    I was taught to respect my elders, but I had to subsequently learnt that sometimes they know jack shit so you may have to take what they say with a grain of salt too and that they really don’t have any useful answers.

    Dan Shipway

    Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    If someone tells me I can’t achieve, they are done with me, plain and simple, negativity is something that is hard to get rid of but once you know how it is easy to sift out the shitty people from the good, supportive people. Everything that anyone does will be done by someone else in a way that is unique to them. If they flat out tell my I can’t do something then they can flat out never talk to me again. You can do whatever you want. It’s your life and at the end of the day when its all over, they wont care what you do with your life so make sure it’s what you want.