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Syn school collab

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
I wouldnt want to steal that as a track. It’s your song. Back tracks are not essentially songs and will make the player change it up rather then just play along.
I could repost my back track in this thread its 3 notes starts PM and goes open. Very simple 45 seconds long.
I also personally want to know which scales you choose to play over and why. You could add it to the post or video whatever.
However if everyone else wants to use the back track provided I’ll do it as melodies flew into my head right away. Lol

Kfir Yaakovi

Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I think that for a first collab we should do cover songs with something simple everyone can participate without a lot of effort.
    If you guys say you tried it multiple times and failed, you should start small, choose some cool song or even combine few songs into a melody, like some Avenged riffs and solos. We have all the backing tracks online
    But thats just my opinion.