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Syn Song Lessons

James Baek

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Hello all… I just made this account and was wondering if there is a section where some A7X guitar parts are transcribed perfectly.
I know there was this one girl that got the intro to Hail to the King 100% correct and Syn confirmed it. Why not do this with ALL the songs!? Ahaha 😅 Or at least like top voted ones or something.
I’m guessing this topic probably already came up. Like why don’t Syn teach us his songs and stuff. Or does he!? And I didn’t look hard enough? I’m just having a bit of trouble on one part of the Sidewinder solo thats all 😭


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Jak makes tutorials sometimes. I’m not sure whether Syn will ever put tutorial up. Maybe just ask him about parts you struggle with. Personally I don’t feel comfortable with making song tutorials but maybe someday I’ll change my mind😅

Jak Angelescu

Hello there James! Welcome to the community! I’m the girl from the hail to the king tutorial. That’s the first one that I did were I wasn’t aware that he was doing it economy picking because I just learned it by ear. So I hadn’t watched him do a video of it yet so I’d like to warn you first and foremost that you can play economy picking for how he plays it live now 🙂
Currently right now I have done the Hail to the king solo and I have done buried alive’s intro. They have had Syn’s approval as he watched me teach buried alive on Instagram and commented on my httk solo many times 🤗. So if you like, you can check out my profile page on here for that one. But make sure you check out the fundamentals lesson first! I’ve had some people asking me to do the rhythm parts for the songs so I will be doing that as well. Right now on the menu is hail to the king, scream, and buried alive.