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Syn’s Etudes


Jak Angelescu

This is my personal advice. Depending on your skill level, It could take you a very long time to reach the “right speed”. Because of this it can lead to a lot of discouragement and lack of motivation. First I would gauge your Skill level. Play the 1st etude in each category. And see how well you do with that. if you do it well, move up to the 2nd etude in each category. If you struggle with the 1st etude, I think it be wise to focus on the 1st etudes for each category at a time and then move up to the 2nd ones. 🙂

Jak Angelescu

I would also like to add that depending on your skill level it may take you a very very long time to get it up to the speed that Syn gets it up to. Don’t feel like you have to play it flawlessly up to his speed before you can move on. Things like this can take time and the more repetition you do it the better It’ll get overtime. Don’t hold yourself back from expanding if you don’t play it up to his level entirely 🙂

Christopher Lonski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I agree with Jak on this. I would say its probably best just to get them all under you fingers and get used to playing each lick, even if you have to go super slow. It really doesn’t matter how fast you play them, to be honest. Try focusing on playing them perfectly at ANY speed and then once you can play them perfectly, start raising the tempo and challenge yourself to see how fast you can play them perfectly before your technique starts falling apart(or maybe it wont and then you’ll be a super shredder). The real goal here is to have control over your fingers and playing so everything you play is ON PURPOSE and you aren’t hitting notes you didn’t want to hit or making mistakes that you didn’t want to make.
Synner Endless Summer Collection