What would be the best option for doing pull-offs with tapping, to pull away upwards or to push away downwards?
When i’m tapping I usually use my middle finger and push away downwards, Syn seems to do this aswell in the “Syn’s etudes”. But in more advanced tapping techniques where you use multiple fingers of the picking hand you need to do hammer-ons and pull-offs like with your fretting hand. This is much harder to do when pushing downwards rather than pulling upwards.
So, would it be better to make it a habit right from the start to do tapping pull-offs by pulling upwards?
When i’m tapping I usually use my middle finger and push away downwards, Syn seems to do this aswell in the “Syn’s etudes”. But in more advanced tapping techniques where you use multiple fingers of the picking hand you need to do hammer-ons and pull-offs like with your fretting hand. This is much harder to do when pushing downwards rather than pulling upwards.
So, would it be better to make it a habit right from the start to do tapping pull-offs by pulling upwards?