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Thank you Syn and Papa Gates!

Lloyd Yip

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Not really a question, but more just a token of appreciation for you two. Anywhere else, this much quality content would cost way too much for a burgeoning guitar player like myself.
A7x was one of the first bands that got me into metal and guitar playing, and the fact I can now learn from 2 total guitar badass’ is really wicked in it of itself.
Thanks, and I’m stoked to see what you guys have for us!

Adam Fackler

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I’m definitely with you! I have tried everything to teach myself guitar to only a little progress. I absolutely love it, but I feel I’m not going very far. I was completely blown away by the amount of lessons on here form one of my guitar influences and favorite band all for free! I can’t wait to see what happens!
A7X has been my go to band for years. I go and listen when im happy, sad, angry, etc. Some of the guitar solos even get me emotional and the drive to want to play something that makes me tear up is one of my main motivations to play.
If one of you two reads this, we truly appreciate this. Syn and Papa Gates, as well as everyone who put this thing together, Thank you.

Billie M

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Big thank you to everyone who has helped make this school happened!
This is amazing!!! I’m a rhythm guitarist and I’ve being looking forward learning how to do lead guitar stuff recently. This is exactly what I needed. And the best part of all, it’s free! Thank you so so much!

david ruiztagle

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
A heartfelt thanks to both Syn and Papa Gates!
You are both great generous souls to put the effort into something this special for the advancement of all and sustenance of this art form which will create many future performers.
In this day and age, it’s refreshing to see the BEST side of humanity showing up with the two of you!
May you rejoice in all the Karma points heading your way!
God Bless and have a GREAT New Year!!

Julian Barton

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I am so thankful not only towards Papa Gates and Syn for creating this beautiful free masterpiece but for being diligent and answering people as well! This is a great site and I think it can be even better in the future after everything is fixed and worked out. I hope to see a lot of the forums kept alive and going too, I think the community is going to play a big part in making all of this possible because there are some things you can not teach like questions about gear or things like that. I hope to see everyone who has been active today continue to help others like they have helped me today. Thank you Syn, Papa Gates, and everyone in this loving community.

Sasha Nunez

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
The amazing thing about this whole experience is that we never thought we would be able to have it and Syn&Papa Gates never thought it would have turned out to be this amazing with all these responses! Thanks to both of you, this is extremely kind and thoughtful

Jhilou Kiera Madayag

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I really want to thank you Synyster Gates and Papa Gates for this. I am 14 years old and started pretty young, I think. it is really hard to be a self taught and not having that much of a support from your family but I Synyster Gates School will help me more in my guitar playing. I would also like to thank the members for sharing their knowledge. This really help me a lot as a self taught and also this give me the chance to finally share some of my little knowledge about music specially in guitar. One of my favorite things actually is sharing my knowledge and I finally have a place where I can learn and and taught too. Thank you very much for this and I wish I can thank you more than words. *hugs and lots of love* -Jhi


Yes I’d like to thank the guys!!! It just shows you what kinda people they are, An I’ve met syn, An he’s just friggin amazing, not only do they set up such an amazing thing, but they actually interact with us,
Thank youuuuuu soooo much

Sven Barnitzki

Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
Nov 11, 2019
This is pretty much the coolest thing on earth. A community that helps each member and makes us all better guitarplayers. The Time that you two spend for that, and all the great lessons and workshops you build for the community are pretty awesome. Thank you Syn and Papa Gates!

Kimberly LaReau

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I think this is an amazing opportunity for those who always had a passion to play guitar. I have been trying to teach myself for years but always struggled. My dream is to start my own band one day. Thank you so much Syn and Papa Gates, it is truly an inspiration!


Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I listen to A7X since like eight years, and the live you did in Paris Bercy during The Stage Wolrd Tour just made me want to take my guitar and rock. We are all really glad we can learn through your experience, that’s the best gift you could offer to us. Thank you so much Papa and Syn