• Join the A7X Discord!

    We're updating the community and moving all social content from the community to the Discord. All lessons related conversations will still take place here though! Join the Discord below and view the full announcement for more details


Thank You


Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Warrenton, NC
    The post was supposed to be something similar to this before I accidentally deleted it while trying to edit it, I guess: I was unsure of whether to post this or not, but could not resist. I was also unsure of where to post this where everyone could see it besides here in the forum. I have recently been going through a tough time and recently posted a very raw video in another forum because I was chosen by Jak. I wanted to create a place where we could create a nice little gratitude circle. Thank you to each and every one of you. You have created a wonderful and encouraging environment where it is easy to grow regardless of the mastery level. You all are so kind, sweet, loving, and talented. Thank you to Jak and Papa Gates especially for giving me the inspiration and courage to become more active here and believe in my own skills and talents to the point I could interact with even more of you.
    I would also very much like to thank Syn and Papa Gates for creating this project. Firstly because it makes it very easy for a beginner like myself to learn and interact with two of my idols and also learn from each of you. Secondly because without it I wouldn’t have met all of you amazing and extremely talented individuals. As Syn has continuously said, each of you make this community beautiful and what it is. This community is the most beautiful one that I’ve ever been apart of and that’s because of each of you. I’ve had so many people just being helpful and extremely kindhearted. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH EACH OF YOU. This community is the way it is because of people like you in it. Stay talented and gorgeous, my loves. Each of you are definitely appreciated.

    Christopher Lonski

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    They made this a judgement-free zone for a reason. It can be really difficult for a person to put themselves out there, especially for something that we are all so passionate about and strive to improve upon. The other fact is that we ALL started somewhere. NONE of us, not a single person in the history of mankind, ever picked up a guitar for the first time and was like “Oh shit, I’m a virtuoso! Check out this tasty solo.”, and then proceeded to play a tasty solo. It takes time and dedication; repetition and playing the same licks, riffs, and solos over and over and over until it sounds exactly the way you want it to and then forgetting it and playing something brand new and starting the process over again; it takes failure and mistakes so that we can decide how we DON’T want to sound and then learn from it. Above all, it takes a sense of adventure and learning to just have fun with it. Why else would we do it if we didn’t love it from the start and feel good about it? Sometimes you just have to forget about playing everything perfectly and just go for it and feel a sense of confidence(not that you should work towards what YOUR definition of perfect is, because you should). If you don’t think you can find the confidence, close your eyes and imagine yourself playing and performing EXACTLY how the perfect version of yourself would play and notice the feeling it gives you when imagine yourself absolutely killing it- THAT is your confidence. Hold onto that vision. Remember it forever. Some of our best playing happens when we just free ourselves of mental barriers and and just flow with it. Free yourself from the fear of being judged or from people seeing you not at your best, fear has no place in the world of music and it certainly has no place here. The only person that hangs onto our bad performances and mess-ups is ourselves. If someone doesn’t like a performance, they just tune it out and forget about it. They aren’t taking it personally.
    We are ALL here to grow and lift each other up, let’s all just make sure we always keep that goal in mind and we will all reach levels we didn’t think possible.
    Keep it up Rowan, you’re doing great!