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The Guitar Fretboard Layout – Lesson 6


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Anyone out there that have smaller hands and can’t really spread your fingers out much, how do you deal with this? Does it just get easier with practice?
I have fairly small hands and I do just fine. Sometimes I have to rework the position of the notes a little bit(moving them to another string and stuff like that) but it's possible
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Synner Endless Summer Collection

Laura Xavier

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Anyone out there that have smaller hands and can’t really spread your fingers out much, how do you deal with this? Does it just get easier with practice?
It gets easier with practice, I used to have the same problem too. Even when you can't really reach them, you will find yourself changing your hand and arm position in order to make it possible. :) Some guitar models are also more comfortable for some people, but that's not really a rule

Brian Haner Sr.

Staff member
Fucking Legend
Nov 11, 2019
I have small hands. It seemed impossible to play certain chords and scales when I started. It's just like lifting weights. Practice and make those stretches as often as you can. Your muscles will strengthen and you'll be able to play all this stuff before you know it.
Good luck!!!

Edward Lilly

Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
Nov 11, 2019
Was wondering if anyone had an idea of any books to buy that explain how to read music on the staff and what note means what string to play on. I can read the CB notes well but have no information on what string to start on. Please and Thank you

Adin Shepherd

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Melbourne, Australia
This is a pretty good book and guitar specific.

I also recommend this one

Synner Endless Summer Collection


Garage band Groupie
Nov 16, 2019
Was wondering if anyone had an idea of any books to buy that explain how to read music on the staff and what note means what string to play on. I can read the CB notes well but have no information on what string to start on. Please and Thank you
I highly recommend musictheory.net, very well detailed website that can teach you all of this and its completely free
what is your warm up routine
I first stretch my hands, then do some rhythm exercises with the strumming hand to get it loose and get myself into the "groove", then finger independence exercises with my freeing hand, sync exercise to get both hands "on the same page" and finally lesson 6: say every note on the fretboard outloud to slowly memorize them over time. All together takes about 15-20 mins. I was planning to do a video to share my exercises with other people, let me know if it interests you. :)

John Robinson

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Nashville tn.
I first stretch my hands, then do some rhythm exercises with the strumming hand to get it loose and get myself into the "groove", then finger independence exercises with my freeing hand, sync exercise to get both hands "on the same page" and finally lesson 6: say every note on the fretboard outloud to slowly memorize them over time. All together takes about 15-20 mins. I was planning to do a video to share my exercises with other people, let me know if it interests you. :)
Yes please do a video i would love to see it..thank you
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Synner Endless Summer Collection


Garage band Groupie
Nov 16, 2019
I first stretch my hands, then do some rhythm exercises with the strumming hand to get it loose and get myself into the "groove", then finger independence exercises with my freeing hand, sync exercise to get both hands "on the same page" and finally lesson 6: say every note on the fretboard outloud to slowly memorize them over time. All together takes about 15-20 mins. I was planning to do a video to share my exercises with other people, let me know if it interests you. :)
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