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tip for breaking bad technique habits

Ezequiel Romanko

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
hey buddies i want to share something i learned recently ( literally a few seconds ago haha) that maybe you cand find useful for breaking bad habits related to technique and skills, okay here it is, i was practicing alternate picking for many years and i kinda struggled with alternate cause i couldn’t feel the pick movement up down up down up etc, just like i wasn’t able to pay attention to that and i get kind stuck in 90 bpm for whole years, then the sgs came to us and then i find the correct technique for it, but still struggled with technique of the right hand, so i kinda give up and tried eco-picking for one week and then a few moments ago i started to play alternate again and then i found out that i cant do the technique correctyle even at 60 bpm cause my right hand was doing eco-picking, then i focused on do alternate picking technique and surprise now i can really feel the movement of my hand and pick goin’ down up down up etc and kinda like my technique grew better now than before when i was having bad technique habits. so the point is that if focus on learn another way to play the same notes and in the same pattern ( like in my case replacing alternate for eco) it will tear down your bad habits, cause you will reset your way to play and is like if you’re relearning the technique from almost zero. i hope helps anyone struggling with the technical part of right hand, i don’t know if it can be helpful for another techniques or just alternate and eco but try it out and tell how it went for you. cheers and have a good night or day depending on your country’s hour haha. take care dudes

Matt Wildman

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Liberty IN
That’s a good tip man! It’s amazing how you can get better at stuff like that just by utilizing another technique. I’m kind of the same way too. I struggled with alternate (and still do kind of) but once I learned economy picking it all just clicked for me. It felt natural to me and everything. Now hopefully since I can do that maybe alternate picking will be easier for me. So thanks for reminding me about that dude lol