Hey guys just thought I’d post about something that I’m currently working on implementing into my playing. If you haven’t heard of pickslanting it’s essentially the only way to truly be able to alternate pick anything. It’s a secret technique that all the pros developed by accident including: Yngwie, Michael Angelo Batio, Paul Gilbert and Steve Morse. It’s essentially a combination of wrist flexion and supination that makes the pick angled upwards or downwards making it much easier to cross strings and avoid hitting them at higher speeds. I developed downward pickslanting by accident actually which makes it easy to cross strings after upstrokes but harder switching after downstrokes so the solution is two way pickslanting which is a combination of upwards and downwards. Upwards works the opposite of downwards. I’m currently working developing two way pickslanting by playing scales really really slowly and watching my wrist like a hawk. I also think Syn uses it too because of the way his hand seems to be flexing and supinating in the alternate picking etudes. Also Papa Gates mentioned downward pickslanting in one of the clips on here but doesn’t directly call it that, but he understood the principle of it! Yeah so I’d for sure suggest Troy Grady’s videos on pickslanting if you’re an avid alternate picker!!