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Fuck yea! Gnr was my first concert (in 2006 lol) but holy shit, when I first heard these albums I was blown away. I never heard such craziness and controlled chaos in my life. So many cool ass songs on there that so many people haven’t heard because they’ve only heard the main gnr songs, it’s sad but it awesome to discover the craziness of them.

I always thought Avenged’s self titled reminded me of this. (ST is my favorite a7x record still) but same feeling when I heard that. Absolute craziness but beautiful and brain melting at the same time.

gnr is my favorite band ever, with you guys right up there being my favorite “newer” group haha.

I need a a7x, faith no more, ghost, or bring me the horizon tour please, any of those combos will work.

Thanks for the music since I’ve been listening since 2006 and see you like 11 times or something.

btw, have you seen don’t look up? The music to it throughout sounds exactly like exist

 Cheers and happy new year!!