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What's everyone's pedal setup?

Kevin Kwasneski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Mine is literally a board. It’s the keyboard tray from my computer desk. I have the Vox 4 channel switcher on the bottom and from R to L I have the Tremonti Power Wah, BBE Green Screamer Overdrive, Boss Super Shifter 5, Daddario tuner, and the TC Ditto looper.

Dan Shipway

Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    On bias I go through a boost, tube screamer then it splits into 2 mesas and they both have a 6 band EQ and then it joins and goes through a 10 band EQ with reverb.
    I am extremely specific about my tone and that’s only my rhythm setting 😂
    View post on imgur.com

    Gabriel Corso

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Nice one guys !!
    I am traveling abroad at the moment, so no pictures available.
    Set up:
    Rowin digital tuner
    Vox 845 wah
    Mxr phaser 90
    Maxon od 808
    Big muff pi
    Boss ds1
    Chorus fuhrmann (Brazilian brand)
    Mxr carbon copy Delay
    Amoon looper pedal
    BUYING RIGHT NOW (literally I am
    Right now at the store haha)
    Tc electronic mini spark boost
    Synyster custom black grey
    Fender telecaster standard American
    Tagima Stratocaster (Brazilian brand)
    Vox VT40+

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    My set up..
    Like 6 spider 6 120 I believe. Or 240 cant remember.
    Then 4 different guitars lol
    Pedals include
    Boss chorus
    Boss delay
    Mxr reverb (new and amazing my new fav toy)
    Grunge pedal digitech
    50th anniversary cry baby (also new and also amazing)
    Then my boss mme 20 effects board.
    I have other toys but these are my usual go to. Depending in the tone I might not even use any of these tho
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Let’s see whether I can remember this by heart.
    Mine is:
    -acoustic simulator
    -Tc Electronic Viscous Vibe
    -Tc Electronic Mojo Mojo Overdrive
    -Heavy Metal distortion
    -MXR phase 90
    -Ibanez airplane flanger
    -Tc Electronic Hall Of Fame Reverb
    -Tc Electronic spark booster
    -Tc Electronic ditto looper
    With 2 power supplies. I won’t go into settings for tones and stuff like that because that’s pretty much a whole video on its own.

    Gabriel Corso

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    I just bought the mini spark booster by tc electronic.
    Where should I place it? I see that you have a similar one.
    Why did you put it at the end of the chain ?
    I have read that sometimes it can be put after distortions but before modulations.
    Thanks buddy!!!


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    The reason I put it last is because you definetely DON’T want to put it on front of your drive pedals(duzz, overdrive, distortion etc.) Because when you do it won’t boost the volume(which it is meant to do) but just boost the gain so instead of more volume you just get more gain. The reason I put it all the way to the back is basically because that means it will definitely only boost the volume. I put the looper after it because having more dBs into the looper means your loop will be louder and sometimes I kinda need that.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Gabriel Corso

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Dude! I just had the worst flight of my life arriving in Amsterdam.
    So much wind!!! I should not be impressed to be honest, because Amsterdam is famous for its ainda haha.
    Klm cancelled 62 flights but not mine hahaha.
    Bumpy as hell.


    Still working on my setup. Here’s what i have as of right now.
    Epiphone les paul special 2
    Vox 845 wah
    Vintage custom epiphone 10w practice amp (just kidding about the vintage custom part lol)
    Synner Endless Summer Collection