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Writing songs/solos


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Basically very interested in how everyone writes their songs/solos because I like to pick people’s brain a bit to know the process they go to to write their stuff. So how do you guys do it?
This is mostly my guitar nerd brain talking btw

Rad Synner

Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Im familiar on how to use a daw and how to record so when i have an idea like a riff or something, i record it, then figure out tempo and stuff like that and then i creat my drum pattern then re record my riff fitting that tempo and then developping my song on the daw. I use digital instruments only for drums and strings. but I record my guitar and my bass. Makes it a lot easier than just sitting on it and hoping to not forget it. As for solo, its still a work in progress but then again Im more of a rythm guy by nature

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    It’s hard to really say. A lot of my original songs were written on guitar pro. But I tried to paint a picture in my head with the guitar. Now I find myself just making things up through the theory I learn. I made up a song when I learned the caged system, and I think its one of my most melodic songs to date. Another song was made when I was just going through my effects on my new amp or new pedals I got. Most of them are now from just messing around. But, I still try to paint a picture if I have an idea.
    The solo part, I write my solos last, unless they come to me. I’ll learn all the rhythm and lead parts. Then I’ll go over the track over and over, and try to improvise the solo. Sometimes, I get the idea right away and it works out the first time, but a lot of the time I have to do it a few times before I get something I really like. The solo to the caged system song took me about 3 weeks to get. I didn’t have any ideas at all until I got to the videos for modes. Then I was going over each scale, and I played out the solo and I got it right away the first time. And I remembered how to play it.. as that was at times an issue when improvising lol. Sometimes you just nail it, and then you cant do it again lol. As I’ve gotten deeper into theory I imagine this problem will go away fully. I have noticed my more recent riffs are beyond anything I ever wrote over my last 10 years playing. Crazy what a little inspiration and motivation can do.