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Best metal guitarists of the year?

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Hey, Ed, got an opinion on Power Metal?

    Sure. I definitely like some. Helloween is spotty, but mostly good. GammaRay was awesome. Not too big on most others, but I did recently hear the latest Sabaton. I really wanted to hate it, but I couldn't. It's fuckin cornball cheese in the extreme, but it's catchy as hell.

    Edward John

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    Sure. I definitely like some. Helloween is spotty, but mostly good. GammaRay was awesome. Not too big on most others, but I did recently hear the latest Sabaton. I really wanted to hate it, but I couldn't. It's fuckin cornball cheese in the extreme, but it's catchy as hell.
    Sabaton: Cheesy Lyrics, Cheesy Keyboards, Cheesy Get-up, Cheesy Gimmick, what's not to love? Starngely, I love Sabaton.
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    Daniel Sobota

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Dubrovnik, Croatia
    Sure. I definitely like some. Helloween is spotty, but mostly good. GammaRay was awesome. Not too big on most others, but I did recently hear the latest Sabaton. I really wanted to hate it, but I couldn't. It's fuckin cornball cheese in the extreme, but it's catchy as hell.
    You should definitely listen to their older albums, especially Primo Victoria, The Art of War, Carolus Rex and Heroes. If you liked the new album, you'll like these even more.
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Portland, Oregon
    Maybe, just maybe that's why you don't see why they were picked? Lol.

    Anyway, that's a fan voted poll, so it's whatever. I'd personally give it to Adam Jones.

    THIS!!! A THOUSAND TIMES THIS!!! I became a Slipknot fan in the past year, and the more you delve into it the more creative you realize they are. There are so many layers to each of their songs, and We Are Not Your Kind really exemplifies how they strive to create something new, different, and incredible each album cycle.

    @Calvin Phillips If you're wondering about the specifics, this album cycle they have continuity from song to song (like Dark Side of the Moon or some of the songs on City of Evil) as well as there was A LOT of sampling and synths through the album. Additionally, Jim Root (lead guitarist) branched out and used a Floyd Rose for his guitar portions of the song "Spiders" (Think the solo to Mad Hatter). Jim Root is a die hard Fender fan, and he had it put on a Jazzmaster.

    The sounds you will hear and how they were put together on the new album in my opinion are unmatched, new, and different. I would highly recommend that you listen to the album start to finish in order (it doesn't take to long).

    Finally, the album makes a lot more sense when you follow Slipknot as well as listen to the singles and songs they release before the album. Hearing how they fit into the context of a full album that flows from song to song is mind boggling.


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Portland, Oregon
    You basically confirmed that they are the r n b of metal.

    Not sure if you're referring to the genre Rhythm & Blues? If so, here's what I have to say:

    This album was much more psychedelic rock blended with metal. The more music you listen to and the more you look into what the artist (Slipknot in this case) has put into each given song and album, you'll appreciate it more. Trying to categorize an artist as a single genre or comparing it to a genre as a whole does not do justice to the work they put into their music.

    Instead, I implore you to suspend your biases and recognize the influences that go into a song or album as a whole.

    R&B is an innovative genre that sprouted from blues, mixed with soul (the genre) and gospel. So in that regard, yes their innovation of sound and structure can be compared to the emerging of R&B.

    Everything seems to point to 'YES' as far as Mick Thomson and Jim Root deserving metal guitarists of the year. I'm not sure why you are so opposed to being open minded about it, especially when you haven't listened to their new album yet.
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    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    And I definitely think there were other musicians that were better then they are. Biased or not it's my opinion in the style that I enjoy. Just like how I feel about nickleback
    .. could go on and on. Some bands just dont do it for me. I am very picky with my music. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Everyone has different tastes. If you want to chirp a band of mine go for it. I'll respect your opinion.

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    That's pretty fuckin weird... The instrumental is interesting, but the vocals sound like Jim Carrey trying to sing pop punk.

    But here, you do the same for me now haha.

    The chords are all jazz bluesy. And the ending solo is huge. Funny thing. I meant to post a different song but this one works too. The song is off a trilogy album about depression. This is rock bottom. You can really tell.

    And his voice is gone due to chrons disease. The same one Cobain had. He used to be able to sing like this.