I follow @Jak.
Anthony as previously mentioned, you've played this so well. I can really hear that you are being very vocal with this piece. And are phrasing it very well.
There are big bends, slides and vibrato all over the place in this solo, it's kind of a big part of what makes this so expressive. Slow and big bends require a bit of control. I'd definitely recommend at this stage to work on those bends (and vibrato). It can be so easy to be a bit under or a bit over the note we are trying to hit. So practice practice practice these.
A few points;
- Use your thumb to lock into that fretboard when bending a note, being cautious of a controlled bend. I sometimes practice bends by playing the note normally so my ear can hear what I'm going to target.
- When practicing vibrato, try applying the same technique but allow room in your lock to create a controlled vibrato (you dont necessarily need the fretboard to shake about)
- Allow the notes to breath. Theres no rush with this solo, so try and avoid short notes and allow the notes to simply breath and carry.
- Work on those slides, be sure to be 100% with targeting the notes you wish to slide to.
- Break things down to segments. Work on these segments individually, being very alert of the embellishments required for that section
There are a few slide in bends as well, try and practice these moments as one section instead of a slide and then a bend. Putting the two together may seem like a slightly different technique approach.
Overall very confident, well done for posting your first video. I hope you you can get something out of this!