I recently started here and I've been going through the beginner lessons and I am currently on the CAGED system section. So far it seems to go: introduce scale, introduce way to play it (arpeggio, major scale, etc.) and then papa gates proceeds to put on a backer and shred on the scale. Its a bit discouraging that thus far I haven't been given any practice methods or anything to sound better than playing the scale up and down. So, I guess my question is: is this school more of a theory based school? Because I've been learning a lot on the theory side for sure. Otherwise, when do lessons start telling me how to improve my playing and emulate the soloing that he's doing on the scale?
Hey Adamardigo! The best advice I can give is that your way of playing will only come from you. It sounds vague but hear me out:
So you have scale shapes or arpeggios that you want to sound musical? The best way to get that result is the same way you learn to paint with loads of Colours...experiment and don't stop! It's supposed to be fun and inventive, it's only music after all
Take the scale that you're playing and try finding 2 or three notes that you like the sound of - don't worry about being speedy, technical or fancy as it will come naturally in time.
So with these 2-3 notes, try and make a simple short melody/lick - (think like the Macdonalds whistle - short and catchy).
Mess around, let your fingers choose notes until something catches your ear and feels good to play, try not to judge it compared to what you want to do. It's all part of learning the sound of a scale and what it can do. Engaging your ears like this helps so much
Eventually you'll have things that you made with the scale shape or arpeggio that you know sound good to you and it will gradually build confidence in your playing.
Or you can even look at the tabs of what PG played that you wanted to play and learn the lick directly. Theres loads of ways to do it
Just make sure that you can play the scale up and down comfortably slowly and that you're not having expectations of what you're doing. Just enjoy it!
Hope this helps!