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Making Time

Leonardo Reyes

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Hello everyone! I recently downloaded this app and I am currently a Synyster Gates School student (I enrolled a long while back but only did the first few lessons, and then stopped). This is also my very first post on this platform. So, I’m still getting used to some of the features. I would love to connect with you guys here, so hopefully making my first thread and engaging with others will push me in that direction. Here is what I want to say briefly: I have always played guitar, but only chords to my favorite songs; I never really considered myself that good, but I am changing that. I understand that everyone here has gone through some form of blockage when it comes to doing some routine. I’ve come to a point in my life where I really want to express what I feel about certain topics to the world. I feel this course will push me to a point where I will gladly call myself a Synner when I have completed the course. I have to put myself in the ring and discipline myself to get better at guitar so I can start making music and the like. I hope to talk to whoever reads this. I also hope you Synners share your stories; I’ll be searching. Let’s get it.
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Christian Schulze

Hot Topic Tourer
Rockstar Student
Nov 11, 2019
First and foremost welcome fellow Synner. You're here! You are a synner!

Yesss I also encountered a lot of stones on the road to guitar mastery but I was striving for the wrong things

Like technique as an end..like awesome technique was my goal.

But technique should never be a goal...just an means to and end, which for me also is expressing what I feel through sound and expressing the music I hear in my head...ever since I made that switch in my mindset practicing has felt easier and consistent practice as well.

I feel like I have fallen in love again with the 6 strings!

See you around here !!!
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Rad Synner

Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hey Leonardo! Welcome, really stocked that you decided to join this journey!

    And yeah as you said, we all run into blockages in one way or another but with a little bit of patience and work, you can often get over those! But the quest to be the best guitar player you can be will always be never ending as there will always be this new sweet guitar trick that will come in!

    But all said and done, I just want you to know you are very welcome in this family and you can already call yourself a Synner as you're already part of us!

    Looking forward to see you around mate!

    - Rad :rock-hand:
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    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    If it's a chore you wont enjoy it. If routines aren't your thing just do what feels right.

    When you go to the gym do you do 49494 arm routines and just that daily? No you change it up daily. You need to apply the same ideas towards practice routines. People constantly change it up.to whatever they wanna play. Whether it's a phase of songs or theory work..or just finger exercises. Its always changing and a refresher is never a bad idea too.

    Eventually your own music will.include your favourite tricks as you make up a lick to match the exercise you practice daily. And that becomes your daily practice routine. But if you feel.boredom coming it's probably ready to try something else as you're basically telling yourself you know it well.enough or you dont like it at the time.
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hi, welcome! I'm often awkward , I try to keep it to myself but it's sometimes difficult.
    Since I started learning here nearly 2 years at my pace, it's like I got a lot better quickly
    Been playing for nearly 16 years or so and many of the blocks I ran into, like it was already here waiting
    in the lessons or someone's onto something or has got more clarity and got inspired from
    I never used my tone knobs or pickup switch before joining xD
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    Reactions: Leonardo Reyes

    Leonardo Reyes

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    First and foremost welcome fellow Synner. You're here! You are a synner!

    Yesss I also encountered a lot of stones on the road to guitar mastery but I was striving for the wrong things

    Like technique as an end..like awesome technique was my goal.

    But technique should never be a goal...just an means to and end, which for me also is expressing what I feel through sound and expressing the music I hear in my head...ever since I made that switch in my mindset practicing has felt easier and consistent practice as well.

    I feel like I have fallen in love again with the 6 strings!

    See you around here !!!
    Christian, thanks man! Dude your advice on technique was something I needed to hear because I keep getting frustrated when something isn’t going my way; but I chill out when I focus on the fact that I just want to share with other people that music that lifts me up. So really, thanks for that message, man.
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    Leonardo Reyes

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hey Leonardo! Welcome, really stocked that you decided to join this journey!

    And yeah as you said, we all run into blockages in one way or another but with a little bit of patience and work, you can often get over those! But the quest to be the best guitar player you can be will always be never ending as there will always be this new sweet guitar trick that will come in!

    But all said and done, I just want you to know you are very welcome in this family and you can already call yourself a Synner as you're already part of us!

    Looking forward to see you around mate!

    - Rad :rock-hand:
    I appreciate you calling me a Synner, Radu. But more importantly, I feel great about you welcoming me in to this family. Truly, there’s nothing like people who support each other. I hope to hear your guitar playing as well as many others. See you around, man👍👍.

    Leonardo Reyes

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    If it's a chore you wont enjoy it. If routines aren't your thing just do what feels right.

    When you go to the gym do you do 49494 arm routines and just that daily? No you change it up daily. You need to apply the same ideas towards practice routines. People constantly change it up.to whatever they wanna play. Whether it's a phase of songs or theory work..or just finger exercises. Its always changing and a refresher is never a bad idea too.

    Eventually your own music will.include your favourite tricks as you make up a lick to match the exercise you practice daily. And that becomes your daily practice routine. But if you feel.boredom coming it's probably ready to try something else as you're basically telling yourself you know it well.enough or you dont like it at the time.
    Thank you, Calvin. Yeah man, I recently kinda had this epiphany that I simply want to share with other people covers of songs that I love so much. I changed my way of thinking to that recently. Before that, I was doing it because I just didn’t feel like I had any value as a person. It never led me to a better place. I took a break from playing guitar but after some self-reflection, it came down to this feeling of wanting to share with other people my musical interests through covers. Now, it doesn’t feel like a chore. There will be times I will be frustrated, but ,y new mindset just makes me more excited that I’m making progress. Thanks, man.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Leonardo Reyes

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hi, welcome! I'm often awkward , I try to keep it to myself but it's sometimes difficult.
    Since I started learning here nearly 2 years at my pace, it's like I got a lot better quickly
    Been playing for nearly 16 years or so and many of the blocks I ran into, like it was already here waiting
    in the lessons or someone's onto something or has got more clarity and got inspired from
    I never used my tone knobs or pickup switch before joining xD
    Dude, I am gonna be honest, I had no idea what a pull off was until a month ago when I took the class here. I had been playing guitar for years learning some of my favorite songs and never heard of that. I already learned something new! And btw, don’t feel bad bro, I get it, I’m awkward too. But there’s a charm to it the more you are true to yourself. But dude, give me tips on tone knobs and pickups, I am going to be learning about them too.
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    Reactions: William B.

    Leonardo Reyes

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hello everyone! I recently downloaded this app and I am currently a Synyster Gates School student (I enrolled a long while back but only did the first few lessons, and then stopped). This is also my very first post on this platform. So, I’m still getting used to how to some of the features. I would love to connect with you guys here, so hopefully making my first thread and engaging with others will push me in that direction. Here is what I want to say briefly: I have always played guitar, but only chords to my favorite songs; I never really considered myself that good, but I am changing that. I understand that everyone here has gone through some form of blockage when it comes to doing some routine. I’ve come to a point in my life where I really want to express what I feel about certain topics to the world. I feel this course will push me to a point where I will gladly call myself a Synner when I have completed the course. I have to put myself in the ring and discipline myself to get better at guitar so I can start making music and the like. I hope to talk to whoever reads this. I also hope you Synners share your stories; I’ll be searching. Let’s get it.
    Just to let everyone know, if there is a double post of my very first comment, ignore that. I made a mistake and accidentally posted again when all I had to do was reload the page. I am currently looking on how to delete it… still getting used to this platform. Oh well, it is what it is.

    Rad Synner

    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Just to let everyone know, if there is a double post of my very first comment, ignore that. I made a mistake and accidentally posted again when all I had to do was reload the page. I am currently looking on how to delete it… still getting used to this platform. Oh well, it is what it is.
    i got you. deleting posts/threads can only be done by us staff members. If you ever need to delete a post again, you can just ''report'' the thread and say that you want to delete and one of us will come to delete it :)
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    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Dude, I am gonna be honest, I had no idea what a pull off was until a month ago when I took the class here. I had been playing guitar for years learning some of my favorite songs and never heard of that. I already learned something new! And btw, don’t feel bad bro, I get it, I’m awkward too. But there’s a charm to it the more you are true to yourself. But dude, give me tips on tone knobs and pickups, I am going to be learning about them too.
    I'll try to formulate some stuff later, I just woke up. I just know a bit about this stuff on a strat model

    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    give me tips on tone knobs and pickups, I am going to be learning about them too.
    I'm not really sure what to say, single coil pickups (1 strip of magnets) have a slight hum and I think gives a bit more of a twangy/organic sound, possibly cause only one strip of magnets let's the vibrations disperse ( just guessing ). The Humbucker ( 2 rows of magnets ) has kind of a sharper tone and cause the double strips of magnets maybe holds/collects the vibrations better/differently. It's called a Humbucker cause Hum= extra noise and Buck=cancel.
    In one of the beginner lessons PG mentioned Synyster Gates likes to play lead with the neck pickup ( or bridge I kind of forgot ). It's maybe partly due to sound dynamics you could get from where you strum and where the pickups are, it's some distancing stuff.
    Active pickups ( ones with batteries ) are high output and are good with distortion and stuff, a downside is the sound could be a bit static and may take away some dynamics or something. I don't really know all this stuff just trying to recall the times I read/heard about it.

    I've only played Strat models so the as for tone knobs on mine, 1 is for lower/bass tones and the 2nd for the upper/treble.
    These knobs adjust the signal from the guitar pickups ( I think )
    I think I have a 5 way pickup switch and let's say starting from the bottom it would be just the Humbucker/bridge pickup, then switching up 1 would combine the Humbucker with the middle pickup for a different textured sound. After switching up again to the middle pickup only, then up again then it's combining the top 2 pickups, then it's the last neck pickup.

    These things you can switch mid song to change the sound and the volume knob is friendly too. With it you can do Volume swells or raise the volume mid song and stuff.
    Sometimes I practice a riff or lick and then change something then repeat the lick or play another one, it's to get in the habit of using it.

    Maybe you knew a lot of this already or digressed some, but this is what I got

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