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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard


Lesson by: Hector Trejo

Lesson description

This solo is chaotic and definitely a step into more advanced territory when it comes to technique. Luckily this solo isn’t super theory intensive but it’s a great one to challenge your chops!

Syn's tips

Chord Families
This solo is in D minor (which is the relative minor to F Major) so they share the same Chord Family! Even though we only have power chords in the background (root and fifth), the D minor Chord Family is implied due to us being in the D minor key. (So a D power chord would imply D minor, F power chord would imply F Major, etc.)

Review lesson: Chord Families

Motifs are essentially musical repetition… and repetition validates ideas. Want to really make a statement? Use motifs. Repetition validates ideas…. Repetition validates… you get the point

The Pentatonic is such a prominent scale especially for us guitarists! Many lessons on this one but let’s start off with the basics.

Review lesson: Pentatonic

Hammer Ons and Pull Offs
Legato style can add more texture to your playing. The contrast between articulating picked notes vs. playing them smoothly using hammer ons and pull offs will make you sound wise beyond your years!

Review lesson: Hammer Ons and Pull Offs

Palm Muting
One of the many great things about the guitar is its ability to emulate many instruments (including the voice). This also includes being able to emulate percussion and we can do that by palm muting. Learn more here!

Review lesson: Palm Muting

Bending strings is something that can add a lot of flavor to your playing if done right! Check out this lesson to learn more.

Review lesson: Bending

Sweep Picking
Sweep Picking is one of those things that seems scary at first but once you get it under your fingers (pun intended), it flows easily. Start learning more here!

Review lesson: Sweep Picking

Arpeggios are basically playing the notes that make up the chord.. Just one at a time. So a C Major arpeggio can be played over a C Major chord, a D minor arpeggio can be played over a D minor chord… make sense? Learn more here!

Review lesson: Arpeggios

Economy Picking
Economy picking is combining the idea of sweep picking and alternate picking. A little tricky to initially implement into your playing if you’re used to just alternate picking but once you start putting some gas to it, it can really elevate your chops!

Review lesson: Economy Picking
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Hector Trejo