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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

as i lay dying - confined (guitar cover)

not sure if this counts for synner saturdays, i can't find the thread.
a few days ago i was kind of complaining about my technique changing drastically in a short amount of time and feared it was for worse. i tried to play one of the guitarpro tracks i could somewhat play a few years ago, couldn't do it, it felt so weird like i had forgotten or lost control of my hands a little. it was concerning and so i took about 4 days off. i guess it was my hands being tired from overdoing it, i had like a 2 year break from music till i rejoined. so what i was working on here was my pick holding, trying to keep my fingers close to the frets and holding the notes as long as possible. i use to play this only down picked except the gallops, now with the economy picking i've been working on it's changing how i play the riffs ( in a good way ) still working on keep a fist and minimizing my movements on both hands. it's weird trying to learn/play songs again, i haven't been doing it for awhile.
ran out of space, it's not perfect yet and still fixing it up.
played it like 20 times in a row, starting at 80%
my thumb on my picking hand was getting tired
going to start working on the contest project tomorrow.
still need to find a lesson to work on
oh yeah, ed said try when doing pedal riffs use up stroke
been working on that too, for the longest time my up stroke
was really weak, i think it's better now
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It’s sounding good dude, and this exactly what Synner Saturday is for ! Just taking some time for yourself to do something you want and love !
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