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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Bflat 2 5 6 1 progression

2 things. One I completely lost my place on what chord was what when I went down the fret board half way through the video...so I focused on staying in the g minor scale for the most part. And 2... I also realized a couple things about how you can find the relative minor arpeggio in the same position as major. I'll link the twitch video in the comments.. its longer as I second guess myself plenty of times in the video when I was right all along. But I did make some mistakes that I have to fix on paper but I know them in the video.
Not 3 hours straight exactly. There was tuning going on and a story of.my week. I also spent s good half hour second guessing something i already knew so yeah.. lol even if no.one watches it all they may something useful in there.
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love the hard groove feel in the beginning! Can't wait to hear your music you're working on!
love the hard groove feel in the beginning! Can't wait to hear your music you're working on!
The groove was great but I should extend the chugs a bit more sk inhave more time.to play over each chord. I made this change in the 2nd half of the video but then I couldn't recognize the new pitch of the chords played. But I enjoyed this video.. if anything I.can see how strong my fingers have gotten.. and if you look at my picking hand no fingers fly out often at all anymore. It feels unnatural. Which was your recommendation last year.

Because I heard of your song premature I would not be against letting you listen to some of the demos I got.down. the hardest part is remember how you played the solo during the improv take. I've been practicing my own solos to my own songs because when I listened back i literally went uhh.. what did i do there lol but if you back track the solo and do it bit by bit follow the key the solo is in you remember rather quickly.
love the hard groove feel in the beginning! Can't wait to hear your music you're working on!
I got one more thing to say.. the music with Ryan isn't ANYTHING like what I do here. I wouldn't even come close in relations. I play a lot of my jamd around 180.bpm.. altho when I did this I felt like 180 was too slow. This is because Ryan plays around 210 to 240. The stuff he writes really pushes me in different directions. More simple and to the point. Which I like a lot. I feel like we're jamming over actually writing songs like i do myself. And the song writing practicing has really helped me shape my songs.. ala which ones should be a story teller and which ones are just you playing the same riff over and over. I don't know if you you Holly decide those things together but I really feel a difference in how the song shapes there.

Then again.. im playing to drum beats over writing riffs since he had them. I havent really shown him my stuff yet. I'm not entirely sure if I want to mix the two together.

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