I think it's Blues/Rock. Was messing around with simple chords a couple nights ago, trying to smoothly change between them with bass notes. I thought " This sounds like that song "Hit the Road Jack" ". Listened to the song and got disappointed. Still thought it was cool though, I played it better yesterday, was able to play double bass notes with the strumming. Forgot how to play it. Got fatigue and it's late so it's not so loud. I tried tapping my feet and bang my head, also tried to use different fingers. My middle finger is the strongest, I use it often. Seems my pinky is pretty good too, my annular is the weakest so I guess that makes my index second best. I used a rubber band to help separate my ring and pinky, before I recorded this video. This Riff is tricky for me, feels like there's a skip/hop before it repeats, working out how to do it better still. Thanks for reading/listening, it's still a bit off.