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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Alicia Willis

SGS Collab - Rhythm (chorus) Take 2 !

Still working on it, so I figured I’d do another post ! :-)
Really could tell you got into it. The bopping of your head along to the chugs. That's what I like to see. Really like the tone too.. is there a bit of chorus in there?
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Thanks calvin ! No chorus. I’m using a Marshall DSL40c with an Ibanez tube screamer as a clean boost.
It gives off a really neat sound.. like its layered.. chorus does that for you as well so that's why i asked.
Thanks dude ! I’ve never used a chorus affect and asked the hubs about it and he was like “yeah it kind of sounds like your using one” so that’s super cool. I’m not great with the tech stuff, I just kind of tweak it until I’m like “okay I like this sound” and go with it lol.

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Alicia Willis
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