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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Dominik Gräber

[WORK IN PROGRESS] My SGS Collab Solo v0.1

I played around with some ideas and came up with this. This is my first test how it would sound up to speed to the backing track. I haven't practiced it enough yet, so there are a lot of hiccups and some wrong notes. But I have a good idea on how this might sound like once more polished. What do you guys think?
@Filip Tomiša
Dude this is really good! I love how the start of the solo is completely different from the first one you did and it still sounds awesome (the tapping in the first one is sick as well). And yeah i also love the tapping part during the double kick part. That's probably the best part. It seems that tapping works really well with this chorus. And i love how you slow down at the end to resolve. Really good.

One thing that catches me off guard everytime is the transition at 0:27. It sounds a bit weird but I'm guessing that's just because you didn't get to practice it that much. It sounds like you just accidentaly continued tapping instead of starting to pick :D. But overall it's really good. You can come up with new parts if you want, it's up to you but it already sounds decent. Don't worry about playing it perfectly because that's one step ahead. The main focus now is composition.
Dude this is really good! I love how the start of the solo is completely different from the first one you did and it still sounds awesome (the tapping in the first one is sick as well). And yeah i also love the tapping part during the double kick part. That's probably the best part. It seems that tapping works really well with this chorus. And i love how you slow down at the end to resolve. Really good.

One thing that catches me off guard everytime is the transition at 0:27. It sounds a bit weird but I'm guessing that's just because you didn't get to practice it that much. It sounds like you just accidentaly continued tapping instead of starting to pick :D. But overall it's really good. You can come up with new parts if you want, it's up to you but it already sounds decent. Don't worry about playing it perfectly because that's one step ahead. The main focus now is composition.
Thank you! Can't Check that Part at 0:27 right now but I think I know what you mean! Glad you Like it!!
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