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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

day 4 improve

sorry about the loud bass
Was probably an accident, I wasn't thinking about raking during this jam, I'll try to look for it.
Hey this jam track sounds rad at 1.5 speed
Thanks a lot btw
I was practicing the pre bends yesterday for a bit, I heard PG do it 3 times in a row or something, I thought it was amazing and have been trying to do it.
Great work William! sounding more and more clean! I don't know how you aproach these jam sessions, but i would like to give you a tip, work on the scales like 20 o 30 minutes (the whole seven positions and say every note name while you're playing the positions, obviously do it slow to memorize where are the notes) then chose a backing track in the scale you were practicing , if you were on G maj chose a G maj one and play it, this will help you a lot because you will have the notes fresh in your mind to avoid landing on "wrong" notes but don't be afraid of doing so because in some cases they don't sound bad and you can use them for embellishments!.
Keep working hard dude! you're getting better and better
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@Ezequiel Romanko It's just random, I just kind of hear it in my head and I try to make it come out, it doesn't work out perfectly, but roughly. Before I recorded this one I first did the lesson, I went over each set of exercises a few times (30-40) and then I played random over the track 2 times and pressed record on the third try. The camera is good and catching those "wrong" notes :D I should use it more

What you suggested, I'll give it a go tomorrow if I can. It sounds like a good idea, just a little unsure how to approach it as of now.
Thanks for your support, brings me joy :)
I love your vibe in this. You're jamming, you're enjoying yourself, and you're having fun.

But you're playing out of key for almost 90% of this. I'm not gonna sugar coat it. Remember that masterclass with Bill about the major scale? I want you to find out what chords are being played in the background (looks like you jammed on it for a second in the beginning), and find out what key it's in. If you need help, I'd be more than glad to help you.
Then just practice one of those scale patterns in one position and listen to it. You got good rhythm, for sure, too. You also got good knowledge, now put it to work. You're gonna be great. I wanna see you upload another video next week about doing exactly what I said.
Love your fucking energy man. Keep it up. Love seeing you post. The more you post, the better you're gonna get!
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I'm a bit unsure about what playing in key really means. My guess is playing notes that match? Hearing it back again just now, I do hear it's not totally matching. I could make up a lot of excuses, one is I got only the right speaker, might be a problem. I heard some songs with headphones on and heard all these new melodies, but it was all put into the left side.

Hey so, If I played in key does that mean I should box myself in somewhere and play around that area? Tbh I went over the mats from Bill for a couple of days, and just left it. I'm going to spend time on that type of stuff today and try naming it, some fellows suggested it last night as well.
I might forget in a week, maybe you could remind me a day or 2 beforehand? That'd be great.

I'm that guy who wont stop talking sometimes so I'll try and stop there

I'm happy you enjoyed my vibes, I like to share and post stuff, just not leave marks
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Yay ! Everyone already gave solid advice, so I’m doing going to say I really liked that bit of rhythm you did at around 2:40!
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I'm a bit unsure about what playing in key really means. My guess is playing notes that match? Hearing it back again just now, I do hear it's not totally matching. I could make up a lot of excuses, one is I got only the right speaker, might be a problem. I heard some songs with headphones on and heard all these new melodies, but it was all put into the left side.

Hey so, If I played in key does that mean I should box myself in somewhere and play around that area? Tbh I went over the mats from Bill for a couple of days, and just left it. I'm going to spend time on that type of stuff today and try naming it, some fellows suggested it last night as well.
I might forget in a week, maybe you could remind me a day or 2 beforehand? That'd be great.

I'm that guy who wont stop talking sometimes so I'll try and stop there

I'm happy you enjoyed my vibes, I like to share and post stuff, just not leave marks

Hey buddy, I'm glad you openly admitted you weren't really sure what I meant by "playing in key". This is literally the only issue then. Once you understand what I mean, you'll have no problem!

Please bear with me, as I type some stuff out. If you already know some of the following things, please don't think I'm undermining you.

Playing "in key" means you're playing the scales that fit the key signature of the song. For example, if you're playing a song that's in the key of C major, you can play the C major scales. You CAN play many other scales, but we'll start with that for basics sake. This coincides with knowing the notes of music - A,B,C,D,E,F,G and of course the sharps and flats in between.

To get you comfortable with this idea, I suggest you visit this lesson. Really watch it, practice the scale pattern he teaches you, and get comfortable JUST PLAYING THE SCALE over this backing track. Don't try to shred and go all over the neck.

I look forward to seeing your work in the future!
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@Alicia Willis I'm glad you liked it, tbh that part wasn't anything fancy I'd say. I bet you can do it too, I use to play a lot of punky songs, I'm sure that's where I get a lot of my stuff from.
I always just wanted to be a rhythm guitarist like Zacky, learning to solo is kind of a bonus and a byproduct for me.

@Jak Angelescu I'll give it a shot, another thing that confuses me is, there is a C all over the neck for example. Does that mean I can use those points to play the C scale? I understand they are all a little higher or lower in pitch, is that why the key is important? If I tuned my guitar to drop C or something, does that make me play in the key of C automatically? Sorry for all these questions and if I'm confusing you :D

I'm gonna do the naming notes thing with Bill's scale notes for a bit, maybe I can work it into today's improve
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@Jak Angelescu That lesson you referred was perfect, those finger motions are one of my weaknesses. I've seen/heard really cool stuff with those notes and fingerings, but I was never able to get it right, nor did I spend too much time trying to figure it. I kind of rushed through those early lessons catching things here and there. I reexamined it again and I think I learned a valuable lesson.

I'll post my post-practice video on the discussions thread, going to practice that first position pattern often
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