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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Tyler Hobright

Let it Lie EP

00:00-00:54 IYFIYD00:54-3:33 My Conclusions3:33-4:35 Too Much4:35-6:55 Yeah, No6:55- 9:02 AcetoneSIDE B quote unquote9:02-12:10 Silence(No Sleep)12:10-13:39 ...
Is that kick drum with a trigger effect to get the woofer? Does adding bass guitar cancel the signals out? I think I read something here a few weeks ago about it. There wasn't a bass guitar was there? My bad if I missed it...
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Is that kick drum with a trigger effect to get the woofer? Does adding bass guitar cancel the signals out? I think I read something here a few weeks ago about it. There wasn't a bass guitar was there? My bad if I missed it...
This is everything recorded in one take all at the same time- real rough method in the eyes of the super producers, but me and the guys really enjoy the sound and energy. Everything was recorded thru only 2 mics all in one go so thats why the bass kinda got drowned out in this one, also there are a few tracks on here where J just focused on screaming and didn't play bass. But I'll keep an eye out for that in future recordings but good ear anyway :)
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Reactions: William B.

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