Trying to get back into things - Again!
Working on the A Minor Pentatonic Scale, but all across the fretboard today, as shown to me by Bill. A few things to note that I'm trying to work on with this:
1. Keeping my thumb behind the fretboard
2. Using the tips of my fingers, not the pads
3. When going up/forward, not removing fingers from notes until the next string
4. When going down/backwards, having fingers already in place before pulling off.
5. Trying not to tense my arm (Failed, oops)
It's a lot to do, and probably too much to try in one go, but given the time I've had off, I wanted to try a fresh-ish start? And I wanted to do it the right way. Not sure how I did though, so I would love to hear any advice! Cheers!