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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
The Trash God

Original song riff idea.

So I have no idea what to title this, but this is just a little riff idea I had for a song I'm writing. I took a few days rest to..well rest my wrist, so this was just something easy to ease back into playing. Now I have no idea what the hell I'm doing when it comes to writing original riffs, but this was relaxing and fun to do regardless! Also apologies for the quiet audio, I thought I had boosted the audio enough, but it is fairly quiet, so apologies for that again!
This is really cool! It's a great habit to record times just like this where you're just experimenting, messing around, or when you're practicing something specific so that you can always go back to it if you create something you like! Thanks for sharing! 🤘💀🤘
Just keep noodling around until you hear something that makes you go “I gotta hear that again”. You’re doing a good job playing in key, now it’s about finding those catchy melodies.
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Very nice! Sounds relaxing. Would love to see you turn this into a full song, with two guitars and who knows, maybe vocals?
This is really cool! It's a great habit to record times just like this where you're just experimenting, messing around, or when you're practicing something specific so that you can always go back to it if you create something you like! Thanks for sharing! 🤘💀🤘
Thank you! And yeah definitely a habit I need to get into more. I often forget to record sometimes, but definitely a habit I need to get into haha.

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