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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Jason Dunbar

Metallica - Blackened

This one's a killer but super fun to play, almost have it to full speed but need to clean things up a bit.
Really great dude! I love the Blackened riff and I practised it a lot! If I may give some advice, when doing downstrokes, it's important for your movements to not be too stiff. Leave a bit of flexibility because that's where your speed will come from!

Now I really think it's great that you go at it slowly and build it up! If I may give an advice that could help you to get it up to speed is to know it by heart. Maybe I am mistaken but I feel like you are looking at tabs? Once you stop and you trust your memory and yourself, I think you could see immense progress!

Anyways cheers mate! Show us a video when you get to full speed!
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