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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Scream Solo

I’d love some feedback on this. I spent all day trying to nail this, but I want to improve. Notice anything?
You played it flawlessly. And I'm super proud of you for it because those sixlets are NOT EASY!!

But your next thing really should be playing the whole song through and THEN play it this well when the part comes up! Because that's the big challenge! You've nailed the hardest part of the whole song. But if you can't play it standing up with the rest of the song then you've got yourself another level to go!! Keep it up!
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You played it flawlessly. And I'm super proud of you for it because those sixlets are NOT EASY!!

But your next thing really should be playing the whole song through and THEN play it this well when the part comes up! Because that's the big challenge! You've nailed the hardest part of the whole song. But if you can't play it standing up with the rest of the song then you've got yourself another level to go!! Keep it up!
Thank you! I appreciate the feedback. I will work on that!

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