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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard
Pablo De Miguel

Improvisation in B minor and anouncement.

Like 3-4 months ago I said that I was going to be more active in the Synyster Gates School and for those who care this time I will try to keep that promise XD. A few weeks ago I saw a Rick Beato´s video that made me realise that my daily guitar routine was obsolete for me so I rearrangemented it, i bought the beato book and I paid his ear training program. The last series of videos that I uploated here was different improvisations(in the same key,G major) trying to hit a note of the chords every time that it changes and through these three moths i´ve learned the chords and arpeggios in every other key. My main goals right now are improving my improvisation, improve my finguerpicking, learnig the diminished and whole tone scale and apply them, learn to sight read(i will not do videos learning this,tho XD),and improve my rithim and tempo feel. This time I will force myself to upload videos to have a register of my progress and to have recordings of my playing so I can hear my mistakes.
Great call buying the beato.book. I'd take a week on each page.. practice the different progressions you can make. And one your ready go for the 7th chords. And then try new scales. I alrsadybhave noticed a HUGE improvement in position memorizing when changing chords doing it this way. If anything is too complicated give me a pm. His book is pretty complex and overwhelming at times.
Great call buying the beato.book. I'd take a week on each page.. practice the different progressions you can make. And one your ready go for the 7th chords. And then try new scales. I alrsadybhave noticed a HUGE improvement in position memorizing when changing chords doing it this way. If anything is too complicated give me a pm. His book is pretty complex and overwhelming at times.
Right now im more focused on learning sight reading and improving my rithm and tempo feel because I have some theory knowledge from the synyster gates school but i didn´t know almost anything about those two things, but once I am getting started with the beato book I wil have your advice in mind, thank you very much.
The syngates school has pretty much everything the beato book does but explained more simplistic. The beato.book essentially expands everything you learn at the school. So I'd totally agree with what you said. That's why I suggest taking the book very slow. The amount of progressions you can solo over on the maj scale alone. Im starting to see its worth taking it slow.

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