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My first video: solo warmness on soul guitar practice

  • Kim
Hi all, im kinda nervous to post a video (had sweaty hands during recording haha), but as so many of you putting vids on, I thought I should give it a go. Its me practising solo of Warmness on the soul. About a month ago i changed how i hold my pick and to not let my pinky rest on the guitar. I would really appreciate some advice, I think i should add more vibrato (and i find that difficult) to make the sound warmer i think. Any other feedback is also welcome
Nice one! You get there, just keep practicing. The vibrato will come naturally once you are 100% comfortable with playing the solo. It just takes time :)
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Awesome, i really enjoyed this! It is great to see you fight the nerves and still post this, that wasn't so bad now was it?! :D

As far as critiquing...you have already mentioned one that i noticed. This solo has alot of wide vibrato and a good one to practice getting a feel for what target notes to bend up to. I always find bends easier to execute when either anchoring my thumb in the center of the guitar neck or...this is hard to describe.... but resting the first joint of your index finger at the underside of the guitar neck/side of fret board and pivoting off of that point of contact.

Only other suggestion in regards to your fretting hand would be to try and keep your idle fingers slightly above and over the fret board all the time when playing. There is certainly some exceptions to this but overall you will notice it help out with transitioning between notes and chords.
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Nice one!! The one thing I would really recommend is using a metronome, it's clear you know the notes but it will help you so much with getting a really good feel for where then notes fall into place, if that makes sense. Keep going, you've made a really good start! \m/
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Such a beautiful song ! Thank you for sharing with us ! It’s scary to post your first video but you’ll find nothing but positivity here my friend !
you mentioned the vibrato, I’d also work on the slides a bit. I myself have a difficult time with them as well. Just practice and get those down smoothly ☺
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Thank you all for such nice reactions :) This community is so friendly and helpfull! About the metronome: I tried using that for scales, but then count in every note is same, I found metronome hard by using in a song, but I will definitly look up some videos about it and try it.
Thanks Jacques for explaining those 2 things, will work on it. Alicia, its true about slides, with sweaty hands it didnt go any better :p, i will keep on practising
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Nice try. The vibrato and bends will get better over time.
Tips: For better dynamics try practicing in clean settings or unplugged
For better note isolation, practice in high gain and distortion as when notes arent isolated in this config, you can easily hear a disgusting sound.
And practicing to the backing track or original track at a slower pace,( faster over time) recording and listening to yourself really helps

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