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I've decided on no bass in my acoustic recordings. So All that's left is to get rid of the white noise and add a bit of reverb to the vocals. In the meantime you can enjoy this recording from last year. The vocals were not mixed very well at the end but its still a good tune. Let me know if you can catch the key change in the song and where it happens. ;)
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Reactions: William B.
Did the key change happen after 4 minutes? It's a bit rough at some parts like a bit too much going on and couldn't hear some of the vocals. I like the energy and the pace changes much, tones too :D
I'm wondering how the acoustic version 'll sound like.
Hey have you tried velocity settings?
I just learned how to use it for midi drums, it changes the volume of each note without adjusting it overall.
Haven't tried it yet but I think velocity works for all the instruments played on the computer
It's not mixed well i agree the vocals are too quiet. The lead isnt really noticable and at the end the vocals are two centers overlapping. It should be spread out. Also feel the drums are too quiet as are the guitars. But I'm.not gonna waste the time removing my.older stuff. Got better songs.coming out.

The key change is verse.to chorus.

Intro is in b flat. Verse continues the trend. Then the lament you hit the chorus from this part on it's a d major key change with the same chorus progression. I got this idea deon bruno mars. The end is just an octave drop. Same 4 chords down an octave.
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Reactions: William B.
Lol 4 views. And I know they are both me and william. Hard to be positive when people dont even bother with support anymore. I wont be posting acoustic songs here. All the hard work for nothing.

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