Lajdhritoshabrjt (Lol, Doritos, dhritos?) Anywhoozlee, I love you guys so much...goddammit, you always help me so positive and I feel so loved and *incoherent breathy fangirl noises and squeals* QwQ
I’m coming hard. I’m coming fast. And I’m working hard now that I’ve gotten myself together. I hope you’re ready. In terms of My Hero Academia, I’m coming like Bakugo and this year I’m going to shine brighter than his explosions.
Jak Angelescu
Where have you been girlie?! Miss seeing you on here!
Pink Panther theme is up. I hope I put it in the right place and I hope you guys can still enjoy it, even though I'm a beginner. Hope to really improvise in the future as my skills improve and really impress you all.
Oof. All the stress and literally have only practiced only four days out of the two weeks to learn Pink Panther...Still going to upload a video, but also trying not to be too hard on myself and be proud of how much I accomplished in those four days.
Not feeling well. (Thanks weather and sinuses. -.-) So, I think I’ll focus on going through lessons today and taking it easy. Also, I’m going to upload my first practice using a glass slider.