Matt Wildcat
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Didn't originally plan on uploading this as I started recording stuff this morning just to document my own progress. However, I figured it'd probably help my motivation to put it out there and want to improve on it later! Apologies in advance for my background, rambling, etc. So here we go, me learning the absolute basics, which @[5:@Jak Angelescu] encouraged me to do after one of my vids on Instagram! My next goal is to revisit my Kakariko Village cover thing on my Instagram and learn all of the notes the chords use, so I can gain a better understanding of what I'm doing! I'll also most likely be going back to the CAGED system stuff with this as well! Hopefully this will give me enough to do when I take small breaks from trying to sweep!
Matt Wildcat
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  • Just something I worked out tonight... D Minor scale used in part of a Bakugan arena track that I'm tabbing out. Just got the last section to work out and then to put it all together. Enjoy

    Taking on a monster of a challenge at the start of this new month... collecting hundreds of video game soundtracks, ranging from popular games to more obscure titles, and hoping to tab them out on TuxGuitar. No real time limit set, and no super crazy detail, just main hooks and maybe rhythm/bass. They'll be done when they're done, but just wanna explore some awesome music. Let's go! 🤘
    God bless tab writers. I figured I'd take a crack at writing down my favourite little pieces I've worked out by ear on TuxGuitar, just so I don't forget them and can share them around in future if anyone wants em... and damn, it's tough! But working out the notations I think is helping me actually understand what it is that I'm playing, not just that "hey, I can play a thing!"

    If anyone wants to check them over or just give em a listen when I'm done, lemme know. Hopefully I'm doing it right!
    Haven't done too much in terms of music lately, so I decided to finally boot up FL Studio for the first time since my college classes finished... Gonna experiment and see if I can write a thing or two!
    So, I know for a lot of people, this may be celebrated on a different day, but as in the UK we celebrate it today...

    I'd just like to wish all the mums out there, whether you yourself are a mum, want to be one, have/had an amazing mum, or know/knew an amazing mum, a very very Happy Mother's Day! ❤️

    It's a very bittersweet day for me personally, but it's definitely always a nice day to just cherish the times we had together and all the great memories. ❤️
    What a wonderful way to top off a long week with a much needed, very enjoyable Webinar! Thank you everyone for making such cool events happen and for attending! I know I've been a bit MIA lately with some real life shit going on, but I'll do my best to be around more! Miss and love you all, stay safe and well ❤️
    Thank you to everyone who popped into my Mario stream tonight! It was a blast to go thru some of my favourite tracks from that game and give em a try on guitar! I'll try to write out the tabs for them if anyone is interested! (Note they may not be 100% spot on, and also, what site/app is best to do this???)

    Also also, if anyone would like to request some video game themes for me to try, lemme know and I shall add them to the list for a future stream! Cheers! 🤘 💀 🤘

    There's this, what scale is this? It's like 1 second
    missed the stream, maybe it's possible to have some sort of highlight that someone'll be streaming later
    right now it's when it starts ( I don't have any ideas )
    I've used TuxGuitar to write out tabs before, it's open source and free!
    2 days into 2022 and it looks like I need a new pack of strings. Dad's helping to sort my Floyd out and apparently the top E just.. Said no 😂

    But hey, there's a Satan in the box and she's cute, so it kinda makes up for it? Lol (let's see if this photo uploads. Also hi, what strings work best on a drop D Syn Custom S? lmao)


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    First practice of the year, and first lil bit of progress! I'm working on A7X's Lost as I said I would be, and for the most part, I know the notes for the intro! Now just to figure out how to tidy them up.. This song's gonna be tough lmao.

    (And for once... there's a video of it coming very shortly :D)
    Just wanted to drop a lil note here and say I hope you're all having a wonderful day or night where you are, dear Synners and Systers! If you're practicing rn, I hope it's going well! If you happened to mint a Deathbat over the past few days, I have my fingers crossed for ya that you get the one(s) you wanted!! If you're just chilling, I hope you're having a good time! Much love!! ❤️
    Synners, I must ask... Who's minting Deathbats Club in an hour and a half?! LFG!
    Thought just crossed my mind... I'd love to surprise my dad by learning some Rockabilly guitar... For years he'd tease me about playing some, so I'd like to actually do it. I wonder if there's anyone here who knows a bit about that and can give me some pointers?

    For reference, I'd like to learn some Stray Cats or Vince Ray stuff.. Maybe a good idea for some lessons?
    Matt Wildcat
    He's a great musician, I love his stuff. Me and my fam, we're actually really close with him IRL, he's kinda like my uncle by now :ROFLMAO: Kinda been meaning to ask him how he plays his stuff, but well...

    Yeah, I've given a few of chuck's stuff a brief go in the past, though I wanted to see if there's any major techniques or anything to note before I go right into it. And yeah, I'd say it falls under Rockabilly
    Super cool :D It seems strange for me to see/meet famous people.
    My friend was a manager at a clothing store and said Synyster and Zacky came in one time to shop
    I freaked out
    My friend was more into Hip-Hop he knew I was into their music
    I think bending and double stops are used often but I need to hear it more
    Maybe pentatonic stuff too
    I keep listening to random stuff o_O
    If I have a band in mind but not a specific song I look through the tabs on songsterr. Find one on your level you like. You can always look up lessons on Youtube later
    So... it's exam results day here in the UK...

    + Distinction* in Music Performance (highest you can get for BTEC)!
    + A in my Music Technology A Level!

    So thrilled right now!! This course taught me a lot about performing and learning to record! Hopefully I'll be able to share something again soon, but for now... I'm just over the moon! Thank you to everyone who gave me support when I was stressing about college, you guys are amazing ❤️
    Today officially marks the one year anniversary of my mum's passing. I don't say it for sympathy though, not at all. Rather, I say it here because it was this community that helped me through the darkness and managed to bring a wonderful light back to my life. And I wanna thank every single one of you, both staff and students, synners and systers alike, on behalf of myself and my fam for all the love and support you showed, and all the strength you guys gave us since that day. I'm so grateful for every single one of you, and I love you all dearly. Keep shredding and keep being fucking amazing, everyone!

    🤘 ❤️ 🤘
    As of 3 minutes ago, I have officially aged. 18 feels weird, lol. Here comes the back pain! 👨‍🦳
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