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  1. Canticle Of The Redeemed - Salvation of the Redeemed

    Canticle Of The Redeemed - Salvation of the Redeemed

    Created by InShot:https://inshotapp.com/share/youtube.html
  2. M

    Comment by 'Matthieu Dubois' in media 'Bat country progress ( 2 months update)'

    Nice Job! Always keep the Melody on your mind when You play. It will help You a lot.
  3. M

    Comment by 'Matthieu Dubois' in media 'Salvation of the Redeemed'

    Well that is a nice thing then : ) About the sky, you should buy a lounge chair and lay down under the sky. Leave you phone or guitar inside the house and enjoy the view. Oh and E.T's are definetely real.
  4. M

    Comment by 'Matthieu Dubois' in media 'Salvation of the Redeemed'

    Hi William, I'm glad you like it. Yes that's a funny part. The fact is that I didn't know what to play to get to the harmonised part and I was getting tired. So I just played an "easy, lazy" thing ha ha ha Yes, taking time to look at the sky at night is a very beautiful experience. It helps...
  5. M

    Comment by 'Matthieu Dubois' in media 'Salvation of the Redeemed'

    Hi, that's a good Idea. I'll try that. Thanks a lot.
  6. Salvation of the Redeemed

    Salvation of the Redeemed

    Here is the final version of a solo I wrotte for one of my song. This solo is completely different from what I wrote until this day. It has been heavily insp...
  7. M

    Comment by 'Matthieu Dubois' in media 'something I wrote today'

    Man, I love it. What a song! Congratulations.
  8. M

    Comment by 'Matthieu Dubois' in media 'Solo in progress'

    Thanks a lot. Glad you like it. I'm still working on it.
  9. M

    Comment by 'Matthieu Dubois' in media 'Solo in progress'

    Hey Dominik, ok i'll bring you this very soon. And Thanks it's a very nice compliment. I really appreciate it.
  10. Solo in progress

    Solo in progress

    Hi guys, here is a solo I'm writing. It's not finish yet, but wanted to share it here.
  11. M

    Music with duet lines

    Hi Ed, Thanks. I agree with you, if we consider all the albums coming after city of evil.
  12. M

    Music with duet lines

    Thanks Ids, I'll have a look.
  13. M

    Music with duet lines

    Hey William, thanks for answering. Well, You could also try Dvorak ( strings quarter) and I would definetely recommend Debussy (piano work) when you need to refocus. I will Google " Neoclassical" to see. Maybe contemporary classical music.
  14. M

    Music with duet lines

    Hi Ed, I agree With you. I was juste listenning to Maiden two days Ago and I though the same.
  15. M

    Music with duet lines

    I agree
  16. M

    Music with duet lines

    Thank You, i ve heard about Bartok before but I have never taken the time to listen to him. I'm going to listen just right now.
  17. M

    Music with duet lines

    Thanks Ids , Hans Zimmer, Tsjaikovski, Rachmaninov, Ennio Morricone : Done. But no harmonized strings with those great guys.