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Search results

  1. Nobody Chorus

    Nobody Chorus

    This tapping part is wild! I tried my best on it :) let me know how it sounds!
  2. mericksonmusic

    Comment by 'mericksonmusic' in media 'Let’s talk: Nobody by Avenged Sevenfold Pt 2'

    hey! Thank you so much! I appreciate the support and feedback :) if you have any other requests, let me know! I could always use ideas.
  3. Let’s talk: Nobody by Avenged Sevenfold Pt 2

    Let’s talk: Nobody by Avenged Sevenfold Pt 2

    Part two of “Let’s talk” for A7X’s new single
  4. Let’s talk: Nobody by Avenged Sevenfold pt 1

    Let’s talk: Nobody by Avenged Sevenfold pt 1

    In this video, we go over the theory behind A7X’s newest single!
  5. St. James solo

    St. James solo

    My go on St. James solo. How’d I do Synners? Any critiques?
  6. mericksonmusic

    Lost passion

    Thank you Gabby you’re a hundred percent right!!!
  7. mericksonmusic

    Lost passion

    I’m going to start sharing more! I’m done keeping anyone waiting!
  8. mericksonmusic

    Lost passion

    Thank you so much Ed I appreciate this! So many things I feel I know and I just need to be reminded of! Thanks dude!
  9. mericksonmusic

    Lost passion

    Hey Synners. Long time no see! I’ve been absent lately because life, but I digress. I need help, and I feel my fellow Synners may be able to help me. I used to be so passionate about making music, I always wanted to play my guitar, I wanted to learn everything about it. Lately though, I have...
  10. mericksonmusic

    Comment by 'mericksonmusic' in media 'My entry for Jared Dines Shred Collab'

    Thanks Jak!! You are too kind :)
  11. My entry for Jared Dines Shred Collab

    My entry for Jared Dines Shred Collab

    I wrote and learned this solo this week to submit for Jared Dines Shred collab. Unfortunately I was not chosen to be in the top 20, but I pushed my playing on this one. I would love my synner community to hear it and give feedback. Papa and Syn, hope you guys dig it too.
  12. mericksonmusic

    Anxiety while… choosing music?

    So this has been something on my mind for a long time. Lately I haven’t been able to truly expand my listening habits. I’m worried I’m “listening to the wrong thing” to get to be the best guitarist/musician I can be, so I default to albums I know and love but never find new music. It has led to...
  13. mericksonmusic

    Dealing with anxiety and lack of motivation

    I am in the same boat right now. I’m trying hard to push through it and trying to be more disciplined, as it is a stoic lesson that motivation is temporary, but discipline creates results. However, it is so much easier said than done. my hard part is that I want this so badly to be my source of...
  14. mericksonmusic


    Let’s fuggin go!
  15. mericksonmusic

    Can I buy you boys a beer?

    @Syn Gates you down since papa can’t?
  16. mericksonmusic

    Can I buy you boys a beer?

    Aww damn I forgot about that!
  17. mericksonmusic

    Picking arm and fretting thumb movement

    I am curious how you were able to get rid of the tension. I have been working on that for a while now and can’t seem to stop tending up. Any tricks?
  18. mericksonmusic

    Can I buy you boys a beer?

    Hey Syn and Papa Gates, I am in Huntington Beach for the next week and a half for NAMM and vacation, and I would love to talk guitar and music with you guys and buy you a beer or a shot of Ardbeg. If you have time, let me know. I’ll meet you at Johnnys! Forgive me if I’m overstepping, but you...
  19. mericksonmusic

    How to shred?

    There are some simple patterns within each scale shape that you can use to go faster on the fretboard, usually without much motion. One example would be taking three notes on one string then moving to the string above or below in a triplet pattern. More of a flashy trick, but sounds pretty cool...
  20. mericksonmusic

    Favourite guitarists ?