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Search results

  1. mericksonmusic

    Favourite guitarists ?

    Syn Wes Montgomery Andy James Slash Jason Richardson Guthrie Govan Kurt Rosenwinkle Randy Rhoads Lately, George Harrison Aaron from Intervals Marty Friedman
  2. mericksonmusic

    Thank you!

    thank you all for all of this! With the new app and features, I’m excited to see what this brings!
  3. Sweep and Economy Exercise

    Sweep and Economy Exercise

    I wanted to share this lick I can up with yesterday! Mostly it is an arpeggio exercise in A minor for a ii-V-i but I added in a small economy picking part to work on switching picking patterns. Let me know if you would like more explanation! What do you think of it?
  4. mericksonmusic

    Comment by 'mericksonmusic' in media 'Scream Solo'

    Thank you 🤘🤘🤘
  5. mericksonmusic

    Comment by 'mericksonmusic' in media 'Scream Solo'

    Thank you! I appreciate the feedback. I will work on that!
  6. Scream Solo

    Scream Solo

    I’d love some feedback on this. I spent all day trying to nail this, but I want to improve. Notice anything?
  7. mericksonmusic

    What are you currently listening to?

    Stevie Wonder's Songs In The Key Of Life. It is the best soulful collection. Stevie's voice is amazing in it and the grooves are infectious and the melodies are so strong!
  8. mericksonmusic

    2 days until we're live with Syn & Papa!

    Is there a link posted anywhere or will it appear at 1?
  9. mericksonmusic

    Legato I

    That makes sense! I have been trying to work on breathing while playing. I definitely am guilty that I forget to breathe because I am so focused on what I’m learning!
  10. Legato Etude

    Legato Etude

    I took a crack at Syns first legato etude! What do you think?!
  11. Some ShReDz

    Some ShReDz

  12. mericksonmusic

    Here we go!

    Here we go!
  13. mericksonmusic

    Comment by 'mericksonmusic' in media 'If Fireflies had a guitar solo'

    Dude that was awesome! What camera are you using as well? the shot is amazing. Love the note choice!
  14. mericksonmusic

    Legato I

    Anyone else having issues staying relaxed and loose while practicing this? any tips?