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  1. Isaac Moss

    Hail To The King Intro Speed Plateau

    Yeah that’s not a bad idea actually I could try and go like 95 for a minute or so and then slow it down, I think John Petrucci actually talked about something like that in a video I saw but forgot about. And yeah but do you know how and like what he practiced to get to his level? Thanks for the...
  2. Isaac Moss

    Hail To The King Intro Speed Plateau

    Hey guys lately I’ve been frustrated with my speed progression on the main intro lead lick that spans for the first minute, (you know it). Anyways I’ve been working on this riff since December 20th so three months now. I’m using the app called “Amazing Slow Downer” where you can slow down songs...
  3. Isaac Moss


    Thanks everyone for the advice I’ve definitely learned from these!! Keep Shreddin’!!
  4. Isaac Moss


    Thanks for the advice man I know I really need to up my Improvising skills and you just helped me 🤘🏻🤘🏻I’m gonna start following chords and stuff instead of noodling lol 🤘🏻🤘🏻 I think I’m gonna start only trying to follow like two or three at a time so I can think about what I’m doing and stuff
  5. Isaac Moss


    Hey I was wondering if I could get some help from you guys on your approaches to improvising and learning scales. First off whenever you guys like to solo over something what do you think about? For the most part I just kinda feel it and end up noodling around, sometimes I end up sound pretty...
  6. Isaac Moss

    Using a Metronome For Riffs

    Thanks for the info man I’ll check out that link
  7. Isaac Moss

    Using a Metronome For Riffs

    Hey I was wondering if I could get some help on how to use a Metronome to practice a certain riff. Okay so I’ve been practicing the main riff of Hail To The King since late December and I’ve been using an app to slow it down and practice it on loop, I managed to get it up to 92 percent speed but...
  8. Isaac Moss

    Wish my band Luck!!

    Good luck man, just stick with it and you guys’ll make it!!!
  9. Isaac Moss

    Happy birthday Jimmy

    Yeah the Rev’s song writing was top notch, you got stuff like pinky smooth, afterlife and a little piece of heaven. I kinda wonder how Brooks feels sometimes because the Rev has such a legacy and stuff you know 😂 he’s a beast in his own right though. And thanks I want to learn it pretty badly...
  10. Isaac Moss

    Solo writing frustration

    Thanks dude! That’s really good advice, just by listening to a lot of great solos it seems there’s a general theme that’s put around it, kinda like the outro solo from so far away it all seems to fit so well.
  11. Isaac Moss

    Happy birthday Jimmy

    His singing in Mezmer is great! The dude sang in that song, wrote the piano parts and was a beast on the drums! Legend. Syn’s intro solo is so awesome too I’m thinking about learning it.
  12. Isaac Moss

    Solo writing frustration

    Hey @jake Arnold I like the idea of trying sing a melody for ideas, do you normally try and sing out an entire solo or just a base melody for like a foundation and then build on it? Thanks !
  13. Isaac Moss

    Solo writing frustration

    Thanks for all the advice guys, I feel a bit stupid for not thinking melody mainly but I probably need to incorporate one. I’m. It very good at playing what I hear although I do practice it every day so hopefully something will come out! I’ve thrown in some other stuff, a big horrific 😂unison...
  14. Isaac Moss

    Solo writing frustration

    Hey guys so I’m sitting here at one in the morning pretty frustrated not gonna lie trying to write a solo under a riff I have looped in a pedal. I came up with a tapping lick a week ago for it that I thought sounded pretty cool as a solo intro but after that I’ve been tying for an entire week to...